How to call C# DLL in VC++ Project ??

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hi ben

pardon me for not being specific enough. actually, windows programming is new to me

i created my c# dll, and use regasm to register the dll

inside my VC++ project, it is a console application. i have added reference to the dll into the project. i also used #using <mydll.dll> directives

however, when i tried to access one of the methods inside mydll.dll, it returns C2039: 'getMsg' : is not a member of 'namespace_a::class_a

please advice again

thanks and cheers

----- Ben Rush wrote: ----


Please be more specific. Is this a Managed Extension application, or is thi
a native C++ application. If this is a native application, then refer to th
article a
and if this is a managed application, then just make a reference to it an
use it like any other managed library

Hi Paul,

Regasm is needed only when you need to expose the managed
types in your C# assembly to unmanaged (native) clients via COM interop.
If your VC++ project that consumes the C# dll is a Managed
Extensions project, then you do not need to register the types
with RegAsm. Can you post a brief snippet of code of the methods in class_a

Aravind C

Paul said:
hi ben,

pardon me for not being specific enough. actually, windows programming is new to me.

i created my c# dll, and use regasm to register the dll.

inside my VC++ project, it is a console application. i have added
reference to the dll into the project. i also used #using said:
however, when i tried to access one of the methods inside mydll.dll, it
returns C2039: 'getMsg' : is not a member of 'namespace_a::class_a'

thanks for your reply

Here's a snippet of the C# DLL code. I used regasm to register the DLL.

I also attached the code for my VC++ project. Sorry if it is too long

Thanks in advance

// Win32TestProg.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application

#include "stdafx.h
#using <mscorlib.dll
#using <myDLL.dll

using namespace System

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]

HANDLE handle = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL)
myDLL::class_a *a
a= new myDLL_AZ::class_a()

while (true

int ret = WaitForSingleObject(handle, -1)
System::Console::WriteLine (a->getStateVar())

CloseHandle (handle)
return 0

using System
using System.Runtime.InteropServices


public class class_

private static class_a m_instance = null
private static readonly object padlock = new object()

private CWin32 m_win32
private int MAX_HANDLE = 10
private IntPtr [] m_handle
private int m_num_handle = 0
private short m_state
private string m_statemsg

public class_a(

// TODO: Add constructor logic her
m_handle = new IntPtr[MAX_HANDLE]
m_win32 = new CWin32()

public static class_a getInstance(

lock (padlock

if (m_instance == null
m_instance = new class_a()
return m_instance

private void init(

private void OnStateChanged(short state, string message

m_state = state
m_statemsg = message

//notify the source about the even
for (int cnt=0; cnt<m_num_handle; cnt++

public short getStateVar ()
return m_state;

public string getStateMsg ()
return m_statemsg;

public int registerEventHandler (IntPtr handle

if(m_num_handle > MAX_HANDLE
return -1

m_handle [m_num_handle] = handle
return 1

/// <summary
/// This class export win 32 finction signature
/// </summary
public class CWin3

//D L L I M P O R T O F W I N 3


#region CONSTAN

public static readonly IntPtr InvalidHandleValue = new IntPtr(-1)
public const UInt32 FILE_MAP_READ = 0x04
public const UInt32 PAGE_READWRITE = 0x04



#region DLL IMPORT

private static extern Boolean SetEvent(IntPtr hEvent)

private static extern Boolean ResetEvent(IntPtr hEvent)

private static extern IntPtr OpenEvent(UInt32 dwDesiredAccess,Boolean bInheritHandle,String lpName)

private static extern IntPtr CreateEvent(IntPtr lpEventAttributes,Boolean bManualReset,Boolean bInitialState,String lpName)

private static extern Boolean CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject)

private static extern UInt32 WaitForSingleObject(IntPtr hHandle,Int32 dwMilliseconds)


public CWin32(

// TODO: Add constructor logic her

public Boolean win32SetEvent(IntPtr hEvent

return CWin32.SetEvent(hEvent)

public Boolean win32ResetEvent(IntPtr hEvent

return CWin32.ResetEvent(hEvent)
hi aravind

have you seem the code snippet i sent earlier

hope to hear from you soon

thanks again

----- Aravind C wrote: ----

Hi Paul

Regasm is needed only when you need to expose the manage
types in your C# assembly to unmanaged (native) clients via COM interop
If your VC++ project that consumes the C# dll is a Manage
Extensions project, then you do not need to register the type
with RegAsm. Can you post a brief snippet of code of the methods in class_


Paul said:
reference to the dll into the project. i also used #using <mydll.dll
Hi Paul,

I took a look at the code you sent.
As mentioned earlier, since the C# assembly is only consumed by
Managed C++ extensions project, you do not need to use Regasm.exe.

Some changes that you may need to make are:

Instead of myDLL::class_a, use the following since 'A' is your namespace

A::class_a *a;
a= new A::class_a();

Also precede, your CreateEvent call with the CWin32:: declaration
in your managed c++ code, since in the C# example that you sent,
the CWin32 class declares this static method via PInvoke.

Aravind C

I did A::class_a

However, inside my C# DLL, I am using external COM references (I added them manually into the C# Project). Inside A::Class_a, I have an instance of the 2 COM references. Initially, without adding the 2 COM references, my VC++ program will throw a FileNotFound Exception. So I added them

Inside my VC++ project, I also manually added my C# DLL in the VC++ project and used the "using <myDLL.dll> directive

However, this time, it throws TypeLoadException exception. When I trace the problem, it seem like it occur when I tried to instantiate the external COM object

Please advice and thanks again


----- Aravind C wrote: ----

Hi Paul

I took a look at the code you sent
As mentioned earlier, since the C# assembly is only consumed b
Managed C++ extensions project, you do not need to use Regasm.exe

Some changes that you may need to make are

Instead of myDLL::class_a, use the following since 'A' is your namespac

A::class_a *a
a= new A::class_a()

Also precede, your CreateEvent call with the CWin32:: declaratio
in your managed c++ code, since in the C# example that you sent
the CWin32 class declares this static method via PInvoke


can you help me ? I am getting TypeLoadException when trying to instantiate a class in the C# DLL. This class is from another external COM

I have sent you an earlier msg


----- Aravind C wrote: ----

Hi Paul

I took a look at the code you sent
As mentioned earlier, since the C# assembly is only consumed b
Managed C++ extensions project, you do not need to use Regasm.exe

Some changes that you may need to make are

Instead of myDLL::class_a, use the following since 'A' is your namespac

A::class_a *a
a= new A::class_a()

Also precede, your CreateEvent call with the CWin32:: declaratio
in your managed c++ code, since in the C# example that you sent
the CWin32 class declares this static method via PInvoke
