02-Feb-04 03-Feb-04
Staff Staff 0800hr- 1300hr- 1700hr- 1900hr- 0800hr- 1300hr- 1700hr-
Number Name 1200hr 1700hr 1900hr 2200hr 1200hr 1700hr 1900hr
4654 Saniff A A A C A A A C
4437 Joey B C B C B C B C
4479 Elmer C C B C C C B C
4484 Garry C C A B C C A B
4509 Philip A C A B A C A B
4903 Siti A C A B A C A B
=> The above monthly data is from excel (staffproject.xls). It comes
with staff number, staff name and 1 month timeslot data (divided into
4 time slots for each day). Each time slot is equivalent to the 4
hours, 4 hours, 2 hours, 3 hours respectively. "A,B,C,D" represent
project code. My question is :
1. How do I calculate for Project A,B,C,d, how many man hours are used
for different project?
I would appreciate if any body could share some light on this.
02-Feb-04 03-Feb-04
Staff Staff 0800hr- 1300hr- 1700hr- 1900hr- 0800hr- 1300hr- 1700hr-
Number Name 1200hr 1700hr 1900hr 2200hr 1200hr 1700hr 1900hr
4654 Saniff A A A C A A A C
4437 Joey B C B C B C B C
4479 Elmer C C B C C C B C
4484 Garry C C A B C C A B
4509 Philip A C A B A C A B
4903 Siti A C A B A C A B
=> The above monthly data is from excel (staffproject.xls). It comes
with staff number, staff name and 1 month timeslot data (divided into
4 time slots for each day). Each time slot is equivalent to the 4
hours, 4 hours, 2 hours, 3 hours respectively. "A,B,C,D" represent
project code. My question is :
1. How do I calculate for Project A,B,C,d, how many man hours are used
for different project?
I would appreciate if any body could share some light on this.