how to calc median on a value

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ranzi
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table: event, event date, result (integer1 to 20)
i need to find the median result by event
dim ret as integer, rs as recordset, i as integer, icount as integer
set rs = currentdb.openrecordset("select * from table order by result")
i = round(rs.recordcount / 2): icount = 1
while icount < i
ret = rs.fields("result")
set rs = nothing
dim ret as integer, rs as recordset, i as integer, icount as integer
set rs = currentdb.openrecordset("select * from table order by result")
i = round(rs.recordcount / 2): icount = 1
while icount < i
ret = rs.fields("result")
set rs = nothing
On Mon, 11 May 2009 15:32:01 -0700, Jack Leach <dymondjack at hot mail
dot com> wrote:

You're on the right track, but this code is terribly inefficient:
there is no need for repeatedly calling MoveNext if you can use the
Move method.

Microsoft Access MVP
On Mon, 11 May 2009 15:32:01 -0700, Jack Leach <dymondjack at hot mail
dot com> wrote:

You're on the right track, but this code is terribly inefficient:
there is no need for repeatedly calling MoveNext if you can use the
Move method.

Microsoft Access MVP
Well I didn't put a whole lot of effort into it :)

Also, this doesn't calculate a real median on an even number of records,
which would actually be the average between the two middle records.

Jack Leach

"I haven't failed, I've found ten thousand ways that don't work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
Well I didn't put a whole lot of effort into it :)

Also, this doesn't calculate a real median on an even number of records,
which would actually be the average between the two middle records.

Jack Leach

"I haven't failed, I've found ten thousand ways that don't work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
On Tue, 12 May 2009 05:00:06 -0700, Jack Leach <dymondjack at hot mail
dot com> wrote:

But it's good to point that out, so the OP doesn't blindly adopt your
procedure and then gets into trouble.
Other issues that need to be addressed:
* Current code cannot handle an empty table (MoveLast will fail).
* Current code has possible integer overflow for large tables.

Microsoft Access MVP
On Tue, 12 May 2009 05:00:06 -0700, Jack Leach <dymondjack at hot mail
dot com> wrote:

But it's good to point that out, so the OP doesn't blindly adopt your
procedure and then gets into trouble.
Other issues that need to be addressed:
* Current code cannot handle an empty table (MoveLast will fail).
* Current code has possible integer overflow for large tables.

Microsoft Access MVP
My first attempt was a bare minimum, in accordance with the op's post.
Here's a more concise version.

(untested... the rs.Move command may need to be offset by one to get the
actual middle value...)

Public Function GetMedianValue(sSource As String, _
sField As String, _
Optional sWhere As String _
) As Double
'Returns Null on NonNumeric sField or No Records
'sSource = Source Table or Query
'sField = Field to get median from
'sWhere = Optional Where clause (excluding WHERE keyword)
On Error Goto Err_Proc
Dim Ret As Double, bRSOpen As Boolean
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim bEvenNumOfRecs As Boolean
Dim dblTemp As Double 'Temp for caluclating average on 2 values

'Make the where clause
sWhere = Iif(IsMissing(sWhere), "", " WHERE " & sWhere & " ")

'Open the rs
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset( _
"SELECT " & sField & " FROM " & sSource & sWhere _
& " ORDER BY " & sField)
bRSOpen = True

'Check for records
If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then Goto Exit_Proc

'Make sure they're numeric
If Not IsNumeric(rs.Fields(0)) Then Goto Exit_Proc

'Get the recordcount and even/odd num of recs
rs.MoveLast: rs.MoveFirst
bEvenNumberOfRecs = pfIsEvenNumber(rs.Recordcount)

'Get the median
rs.Move Round(rs.Recordcount / 2)
dblTemp = rs.Fields(0)
If bEvenNumberOfRecs = True Then
'Calculate the average
Ret = (dblTemp + rs.Fields(0)) / 2
Ret = dblTemp
End If

If bRSOopen Then
Set rs = Nothing
End If
GetMedianValue = Ret
Exit Function
Msgbox "Error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Proc
End Function

Private Function pfIsEvenNumber(Num As Double) As Boolean
pfIsEvenNumber = Iif(Round(Num / 2) <> Num, False, True)
End Function

Jack Leach

"I haven't failed, I've found ten thousand ways that don't work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
My first attempt was a bare minimum, in accordance with the op's post.
Here's a more concise version.

(untested... the rs.Move command may need to be offset by one to get the
actual middle value...)

Public Function GetMedianValue(sSource As String, _
sField As String, _
Optional sWhere As String _
) As Double
'Returns Null on NonNumeric sField or No Records
'sSource = Source Table or Query
'sField = Field to get median from
'sWhere = Optional Where clause (excluding WHERE keyword)
On Error Goto Err_Proc
Dim Ret As Double, bRSOpen As Boolean
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim bEvenNumOfRecs As Boolean
Dim dblTemp As Double 'Temp for caluclating average on 2 values

'Make the where clause
sWhere = Iif(IsMissing(sWhere), "", " WHERE " & sWhere & " ")

'Open the rs
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset( _
"SELECT " & sField & " FROM " & sSource & sWhere _
& " ORDER BY " & sField)
bRSOpen = True

'Check for records
If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then Goto Exit_Proc

'Make sure they're numeric
If Not IsNumeric(rs.Fields(0)) Then Goto Exit_Proc

'Get the recordcount and even/odd num of recs
rs.MoveLast: rs.MoveFirst
bEvenNumberOfRecs = pfIsEvenNumber(rs.Recordcount)

'Get the median
rs.Move Round(rs.Recordcount / 2)
dblTemp = rs.Fields(0)
If bEvenNumberOfRecs = True Then
'Calculate the average
Ret = (dblTemp + rs.Fields(0)) / 2
Ret = dblTemp
End If

If bRSOopen Then
Set rs = Nothing
End If
GetMedianValue = Ret
Exit Function
Msgbox "Error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Proc
End Function

Private Function pfIsEvenNumber(Num As Double) As Boolean
pfIsEvenNumber = Iif(Round(Num / 2) <> Num, False, True)
End Function

Jack Leach

"I haven't failed, I've found ten thousand ways that don't work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
Furthermore, it should be noted that pfIsEvenNumber is only accurate when
passing a value that has only an integer portion (to the left of the
decimal). Double datatypes with numbers other than 0 on the right side of
the decimal may return a false value.

Jack Leach

"I haven't failed, I've found ten thousand ways that don't work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
Furthermore, it should be noted that pfIsEvenNumber is only accurate when
passing a value that has only an integer portion (to the left of the
decimal). Double datatypes with numbers other than 0 on the right side of
the decimal may return a false value.

Jack Leach

"I haven't failed, I've found ten thousand ways that don't work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)