How to build a PC by The Verge. Please, never do this.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Well, you wouldn't want your power supply short-circuiting everything with all that uninsulated power :fool:

How does this stuff get through review? There must be a whole team behind that video :lol:

Sorry I couldn't watch that second video, what on earth was that accent all about?!
That is Lyle, Kyle's alter ego. Bloody hilarious. :D
So Vox Media have filed a copyright strike to Bitwit for that reaction video... Thankfully YT saw sense and have removed the strike. Looks like they did the same to several other 'reaction video's' lolVerge.

I've had "strikes" to a couple of my YT videos ... I deleted them

Why on earth did they want to draw back attention to that awful fiasco?! :rolleyes:
Why on earth did they want to draw back attention to that awful fiasco?! :rolleyes:
Haha exactly, people have already forgotten about it and moved on, now they've just dragged ti all back up, and done it badly too!
Yup, not good at all. YouTube don't look into the matter in enough detail (if any), often they just see that a big player is reporting a small player and assume that the small player is in the wrong. YouTube earns a lot of revenue, they should invest more in their resources to stop this kind of abuse.