How to become a better programmer, post college. More projects or less projects.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Matt Somers
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Matt Somers


What tips do you have, in regards to maintaining and/or sharpening my
programming skills. To be specific, my area of business has been a
little slow in the development arena lately, but other groups within
my business are in need of assistance. As a programmer, is it better
to be developing lots of applications or just focus on one or two.
Should part-time outside consulting be a consideration?

Having indepth knowledge of the area you will work in is always a plus -
however, it also pays to have knowledge in a broad spectrum of
areas/languages/software/methods. Also, working with other people will
expose you to different ways of looking at and solving common problems.

If you expect to change employers or consult, then you will be well advised
to have experience in many different business
areas/languages/software/methods, unless you are in a nich market where
indepth detailed knowledge is scare and valuable. In general, I would say
get exposure in other areas. Consulting is good - but some companies have a
policy against it as they see it as a conflict of interest - might check out

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