Using this template, named "Commercial Invoice", as an example
look at the lower 1/4th of the form, left side, just below the "sub-total"
section, there is a section named "Total Number of Packages". Below that
there is a part, a box, with no grid lines for the space of two rows, but
only on the left; the right side of the form has an area with row lines - and
the two sides share the same linear space. Also, within the left box is a
large "6" that takes up two rows without changing the height of the row (as
far as I can tell).
Question: How were those two presentation/formatting items accomplished?
If there is some resource online that can teach me this, you are welcome to
simply point me to it (if the knowledge is buried within that resource,
please let me know that) instead of using up your time to make a
mini-tutorial just for me.
Using this template, named "Commercial Invoice", as an example
look at the lower 1/4th of the form, left side, just below the "sub-total"
section, there is a section named "Total Number of Packages". Below that
there is a part, a box, with no grid lines for the space of two rows, but
only on the left; the right side of the form has an area with row lines - and
the two sides share the same linear space. Also, within the left box is a
large "6" that takes up two rows without changing the height of the row (as
far as I can tell).
Question: How were those two presentation/formatting items accomplished?
If there is some resource online that can teach me this, you are welcome to
simply point me to it (if the knowledge is buried within that resource,
please let me know that) instead of using up your time to make a
mini-tutorial just for me.
