How to backfeed radio buttons?


G Lykos

Greetings! Am working on someone else's code in which they set the cell
value underlying a pair of radio buttons. It turns out that the radio
buttons don't track the cell value - they apparently only set it upon button
selection, otherwise are disengaged, leading to a situation where the
buttons indicate one selection but the cell value indicates another.

What are options for manipulating the radio buttons from the VBA side of the
fence? Interest is to change from one selection to another, and have the
cell value correspond. Causing the buttons to track the cell value might be
most desirable if not painful. Firing a button-sychronize operation when
setting the cell value is another thought.


G Lykos

In playing with this further, it appears that the radio buttons do in fact
track the cell value, so please disregard my previous question.

There is, however, another question resulting from this. The several
buttons are somehow logically linked. I can copy the second button and
create a third, and all three are linked, and if I change the cell reference
in the third, it changes the cell reference for all three. However, I can't
see how to tell what is linked to what. So, second question is: how do you
establish, and once it is done see, which radio buttons are grouped


Don Wiss

There is, however, another question resulting from this. The several
buttons are somehow logically linked. I can copy the second button and
create a third, and all three are linked, and if I change the cell reference
in the third, it changes the cell reference for all three. However, I can't
see how to tell what is linked to what. So, second question is: how do you
establish, and once it is done see, which radio buttons are grouped

By default all on a page are linked. If you want multiple groups on a page
what you do depends on whether they come from the Control Toolbox or the
Forms Toolbar. On the Control ones there is a property called GroupName. By
default it has the sheet name. You can change it. If from Forms then you
have to use a Forms frame around them to keep them in the same group.

Don <> (e-mail link at home page bottom).

G Lykos

Thanks, Don. Poked around some more, discovered that a Forms group box's
name is shown in the Name Box when selected. Turns out that this (vs.
Control Toolbox - is that ActiveX?) is how the worksheet I'm working on was
set up.



Don Wiss

Thanks, Don. Poked around some more, discovered that a Forms group box's
name is shown in the Name Box when selected. Turns out that this (vs.
Control Toolbox - is that ActiveX?) is how the worksheet I'm working on was
set up.

I think the Control Toolbox is ActiveX. I only use something from there if
I have to. And the only reason I have to is when I want to hide the thing
when I hide the rows. Some from the Forms toolbar don't allow resizing, and
resizing is what lets it be hidden. Forms buttons do, so I can't see ever
using a button from the Control Toolbox.

In the Name Box is the name of the option button. It has to be unique so
you can set its properties. The Group Box is what I called a Frame in my
reply. If you right click on it, then yes its name appears there.

Don <> (e-mail link at home page bottom).

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