how to automatically set my explorer bar as default ON



Hi, All,

I programmed a explorer bar from the band object.
It's a self-registered DLL, a modified version of
the BandObjs sample code from msdn.

After the registration I can see my explorer bar's
name under the IE's View->Explorer bar menu. I have
to manually select it in order to activate my bar.

I know there must be a way to automate this activation,
for example during the installation (I used InstallShield
tool in Visual Studio 6.0). Can anybody give me a clue
for it?

Thanks a lot in advance,



Hi, Raj,

Thanks for your information for this one. However the described approach
in the article needs a separate binary to set the attribute of the
band object. It can also do the setting ON/OFF freely at runtime.

I don't really need this "fancy" way to do it. I just need to set
the band object -- my explorer bar as ON when customer installs it.
I want it to be ON all the time and don't need to turn it off.

So I think there might be a easier way to do it instead of program
another binary.



Igor Tandetnik

Sean said:
Thanks for your information for this one. However the described approach
in the article needs a separate binary to set the attribute of the
band object.

No it does not. You can implement your band and a BHO in the same DLL. A
DLL can implement more than one COM object, you know.
With best wishes,
Igor Tandetnik

"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat,
and wrong." H.L. Mencken


Hi Sean,
I don't think there is any other way..
May call it fancy but thats the way to do that.
And as Igor says, implement both BHO and Band in one DLL.


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