how to automatically run consecutive PPT slideshows?



I have about 10 PPT files that I want to run consecutively, so that when one
ends, the next one opens automatically.

For many years, I accomplished this by using PPT Viewer 97. It supported a
..lst file extension. So I would type a list of the file names in notepad,
save it as "PPTfiles.lst" and then use PPT Viewer 97 to run that .lst file.

The problem is that some graphics, bullets and other miscellaneous functions
are not available when running in PPT Viewer. I thought this would be
corrected with the latest version of PPT Viewer, but it appears that the
latest version of PPT Viewer does NOT support the .lst file.

I do not want to combine all 10 ppt files into one file, as they are
separate handouts with different headers and footers. But I don't want my
presenters to have to interact with their laptop 10 times to open and close
files, and we don't have enough staff for someone to take care of this for

Thank you for any suggestions.


Make the last slide of each a no click transition but instead paste a whole
screen sized transparent rectangle with an action setting to hyperlink to the
appropriate files on click. Get back if you dont know how to do this.


I'm sorry, I don't think I understand. I understand about creating the
transparent rectangle with the action setting to hyperlink to the appropriate
files - but I don't understand how to achieve this without clicking.



These instructions look promising. Only one potential problem - several of
the laptops we're using are still running PPT 2000. Will this work in 2000,
or is this something new in 2003?



You will need to click. The point of disabling the advance on click is to
stop users clicking off screen which would not hyperlink. You can include a
message on the slide "click the screen"

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