How to automate new record in table into template worksheet?



I want new contact record from table or form to be put in excel template
workbook and "saved as" this new contact. Each additional contact record
would also be save in this template and "saved as". I have Access 2003 and
Excel 2003. Thank You!


will this function work?:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Mytable",


I don't see anything confusing about being a photographer. After staring at a
computer screen writing code all day, you neeeed to heal yor eyes and your
brain by looking at something else. Thanks for you help. I'm getting ready
to try it now. Unfortunately, I'm a beginner at programming. I spend most of
my time running a soccer league. I'm not sure where to place your code in
Access, the form itself or the table. I'll try both. Thanks you Restu!

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