I've been trying for months now to find a way to
automatically logoff users from from a Win2K AD domain
after logon time expires but so far the Group Polices
that refect the action don't work if a user has any files
open after the logon time expires. It only works if the
user does not have any files open.
Is this a limitation of Windows 2000. This feauture used
to work without any problems in Windows NT 4.
Thank you,
I've been trying for months now to find a way to
automatically logoff users from from a Win2K AD domain
after logon time expires but so far the Group Polices
that refect the action don't work if a user has any files
open after the logon time expires. It only works if the
user does not have any files open.
Is this a limitation of Windows 2000. This feauture used
to work without any problems in Windows NT 4.
Thank you,