How to auto fill a mileage field



I have a database for a medical transportation service. Here are the
relevant tables and fields:
Customer (table)- Last name, Town, Address, ect
Runs (table)- Date, Time, Destination, Miles, ect.
How do I programmatically fill in the miles field from a mileage grid.
(excel spreadsheet) Example: Town: Dover Destination: Lakewood -
Mileage=13 miles. Is it better to create a new table "mileage" in
access or link to excel spreadsheet? Any help or a link to a solution
would be welcomed.
Anthony Daleo (e-mail address removed)

Joseph Meehan

I have a database for a medical transportation service. Here are the
relevant tables and fields:
Customer (table)- Last name, Town, Address, ect
Runs (table)- Date, Time, Destination, Miles, ect.
How do I programmatically fill in the miles field from a mileage grid.
(excel spreadsheet) Example: Town: Dover Destination: Lakewood -
Mileage=13 miles. Is it better to create a new table "mileage" in
access or link to excel spreadsheet? Any help or a link to a solution
would be welcomed.
Anthony Daleo (e-mail address removed)

Do I understand correctly that you want to record miles for each run
based on a reference for the number of miles from a single (or multiple?)
locations to destinations which will be (may not be?) in the reference

Those could be in file or may be multiple locations would make the
process more complex.

Just on the surface, I would suggest that you don't want to record the
miles for each trip since you can re-compute them, but then if a customer
might move then you would need to record them. Now about this link to Excel
thing. What is that all about? What is stored in Excel? What do you want
in Excel and why do you even have Excel involved????

Larry Daugherty

The burning question isn't the one you asked. More important might be
whether the data already exists in machine readable format, such as an
Excel spreadsheet???? If it does then that would be the way to go.
Traversing an Excel column to find your starting point from Access
and then locating the intersecting destination column is no big deal.

However, if the data doesn't already exist in machine readable form
then I'd definitely create it in an Access table.

Creating the data would be the bigger task.


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