Setup: I have two DC (Server1 and Server2)in City B and one DC (Server3) in
City A. The two cities are connected with a point-to-point T1 connection.
Server1 and Server3 are GC servers. All workstations are in City A. when
users logon sometimes they authenticate to the Servers in City B. Is this
normal procedure? I would like all users to auth to Server3 in City A and if
Server3 is down then auth to the other servers.
City A. The two cities are connected with a point-to-point T1 connection.
Server1 and Server3 are GC servers. All workstations are in City A. when
users logon sometimes they authenticate to the Servers in City B. Is this
normal procedure? I would like all users to auth to Server3 in City A and if
Server3 is down then auth to the other servers.