How to assign #N/A N.A. data?

  • Thread starter Thread starter jolly79_ph
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Hi, I need help, i just wanted a formula to assign "#N/A N.A." into
"----", which is blank. thanks in advance. :)
Can you post your formula ? You'd probably receive better, more specific
responses that you could then apply direct into your sheet.

Anyway, one usual way to error-trap #N/A errors
is to use something like:

i dont quite understand what "#N/A N.A." is but if you mean that you dont
want the error value #N/A to show but to have a blank intead then
=if(isna(your formula which may result in a #N/A error),"",your formula which
may result in a#N/A error))

Just to clarify that the above construct will return: "---"
if <formula> evaluates to an #N/A

If you want blanks: "" to be returned instead,
just replace "---" with "" in the construct
Its a computer generated linked in futures contract table price: low,
high, close, previous, i encounter this #N/A N.A., in low and high, but
it's normal there is no figure on low & high column price sometimes, but
instead of #N/A N.A., i wanted to replace with "----", to make
appropriate to look, which means, the low and high price data is not
available. I hope this is clear for you.
Assuming source data in A1 down

Try in say, B1:
=IF(A1="","",IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("#N/A N.A.",A1)),"----",A1))
Copy down
It really works!, its amazing, it's a been a big problem with me o
this redundant job, and have to change this #N/A N.A. one by one. It
worthy of praise to Max xl 97, your are a guru in excel. Im glad i'v
signed up in this worthy forum for the new excel users.

thanks a lot :):) clap!clap!