How to "Archive" a text file with multiple handles open

  • Thread starter Thread starter dwainew
  • Start date Start date


Problem: I'd like to archive off the contents of a text file. However,
other processes may have the file open, so MoveTo(newfilepath) can't be
done, as far as I've found.

Start with a 5 MB MyLog.txt file that may be opened (reading and/or
writing) by several handles. The Final state I'm looking for is an
archive file MyLog_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt with the 5 MB contents and the
original file zeroed out or with a line indicating the archive

I'm looking for a way to use CopyTo(NewFilePath) and then "zero out"
the original file....

problem is, I've found no real discussions regarding DELETING text in a
previously established file. How can you use a binarywriter or similar
class to REMOVE bytes or add null bytes. I end up with a file of the
original length.

you can't use the traditional FileInfo instantiation with the Truncate
parameter, as this causes an access violation.

Any ideas?
Hello (e-mail address removed),

The design is a little flawed. My first question is.. do you own all the
file handles? If so you may wish to create a single point of writing/reading
which could then easily have the archive code added to it. I use a similar
method for writing to multiple log locations.

While there are open file handles you can't "zero out" (erase the contents
of) a file. The reason being that the other file streams are looking for
data at a particular location.. if you erase the file.. these other streams
have no way of knowing this and can not reset the location they are looking
to read/write.
