How to apply rounding across a range of cells with other formulae



I have a payroll spreadsheet for a school canteen set up on Excel and want to
be apply to use just 2 decimal places. I can get the display right but the
calculations carry the full value forward resulting in rounding errors.
I have used the ROUND function to get rid of these but I have to apply this
to each cell as required, and would like to find out
1- how to apply the ROUND function to a whole spreadsheet or a range
without doing each cell separately
2- a better way to do it.
The solution requires more than just changing the number displayed.


format for 2 decimal places then use

Workbook Options>Precision as Displayed check the box

warning this resets entire workbook and drops all decimal places not shown
what you asked for, but be carefull what you ask for

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