One of the great things about the product is you can add
up, down, across, thru mulitple sheets, workbooks, etc..
you just have to have the patience to do it.
Example - you have three sheets within your workbook with
the sales from the west, midwest, and east cost and in
that order (for this example). The data categories, and
sheet layout is the same. B3 on the WEST tab holds the
sales data for the west region, B3 on the MIDWEST tab
holds the sales data for the Midwest Region, and B3 on
the EAST tab holds the sales data for the east region.
To sum those cells and have the amount shown on a roll-up
or total sheet, the formula is: =SUM(WEST:EAST!B3)
Another Example - you have twelve sheets, one for each
month of the year starting with Jan and ending with Dec,
then the Fiscal year total would be =SUM(JAN

Another Example - you have fifty-one sheets, one for each
week of the year you work starting with W1 and ending
with W51, then the formula would be =sum(W1:W51!B3)
that was easy.. if you data is not set up indentical
sheets it gets complicated.. then you have to use other
formulas like +west!B3+midwestb4+east!B3..
you don't have to type the formulas - use the wizard to
help.. or ask your accountant!
Hope this helps..