how to add to acf wishlist?

  • Thread starter Thread starter foice
  • Start date Start date


It's very clear that a complete solution for pdf editing is missing.
There are excelent tools for manipulating PDF: adding bbokmarks or
merging, compressing, encrypting and similar (i'm thinking aboout the
king couple "PDFtk and its GUI"), but highilighitng text, adding notes
in a post-it style or comments, pasting images or inserting jpg into a
PDF is out of the freeware's nowadays range.
(I know aboout Multivalent but it's far light years from Adobe Acrbat,
PDF saving feature is missing because a multiformat editor it uses, i
guess, xml and your pdf file remain unchanged, a rectangle or cricle
tool is missing, text selection is sometime faulty (known bug), cannot
add pdf bookmarks)
Other DPT like Scribus and InkScape are lacking in importing PDF
So I would like to add a PDF editor with native PDF import feature and
text manipulation (highlightin, notes) images insersion and so on.

The only problem is: how to add an item to the online wislist? is it
moderated by someone?

All this is meaningless if you suggest me a capabale PDF editor :-)
foice said:
The only problem is: how to add an item to the online wislist? is it
moderated by someone?

New "wishes" are added very informally. Start a discussion thread - if
there's a consensus that the app you want doesn't exist as Freeware -
then you can write a description of the app that's needed (similar in
format to the "wishes" that are there now) and I'll add the new "wish"
to the web page.
