OK. Now let me further understand. We have an class like so. . . . . .
Public Class MyObject
Dim p As String
Public Property pwd() As String
Return p
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
p = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class
'//Now we instantiate an instance of MyObject
Dim oMyObject = New MyObject
'//Now set the PropertyGrid to look at oMyObject . . .
PropertyGrid1.Text = "Property Grid"
PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = oMyObject
Now we will see Pwd appear in the property grid and we can set it by typing
in the characters right.
OK, what you want to do is to replace the characters that you type into the
PropertyGrid itself with a character like '*'
Do I read you correctly ?, if so the only way I can think to do this is to
trap the keydown event of the PropertyGrid and do some clever work here.
When you set this property for a textBox, the textbox class replaces the
visible characters for an '*' or whatever you set it to. If you wanted to
do this for another control like a PropertyGrid ( which does not support
this method [ to my knowledge ] ) you would have to write a wrapper, and
handle it this way.
If someon else is reading this and knows of another way, please butt in and
Regards - OHM