How do I add a reference in VC++.NET?
In VB.NET and VC#.NET, there's an option in "Project" menu called "Add
Reference". This will add a .NET DLL reference to the current project. After
I add a reference, I can start using the class in the DLL as follows:
Imports <TheNamespace>
Dim someobj As New <ClassName>
using <TheNamespace>
<ClassName> obj = new <ClassName>
Please note that this a namespace can be imported or used only after adding
the reference.
How do I similar kind of operation in VC++.NET? I want to use a DLL which
cannot be dropped on the form. It can only be used through code.
Please Help.
How do I add a reference in VC++.NET?
In VB.NET and VC#.NET, there's an option in "Project" menu called "Add
Reference". This will add a .NET DLL reference to the current project. After
I add a reference, I can start using the class in the DLL as follows:
Imports <TheNamespace>
Dim someobj As New <ClassName>
using <TheNamespace>
<ClassName> obj = new <ClassName>
Please note that this a namespace can be imported or used only after adding
the reference.
How do I similar kind of operation in VC++.NET? I want to use a DLL which
cannot be dropped on the form. It can only be used through code.
Please Help.