I want to create column of integer data type and add a value to it. if i use
string everything works fine but i got prob with sorting bcoz of the datatype.
I created a custom column by having prop value of my column view as
Where myfieldname is the name of the column
and used
..appendChild(newChild:=objXMLDoc.createElement(tagName:="type")).Text = "i4"
for adding value to the column i used
Set prop = emailitem.UserProperties.Add("HowOld", olText, False, Nothing)
I even tried by using olNumber instead of olText. But no hope. I got the
column but with blank values
string everything works fine but i got prob with sorting bcoz of the datatype.
I created a custom column by having prop value of my column view as
Where myfieldname is the name of the column
and used
..appendChild(newChild:=objXMLDoc.createElement(tagName:="type")).Text = "i4"
for adding value to the column i used
Set prop = emailitem.UserProperties.Add("HowOld", olText, False, Nothing)
I even tried by using olNumber instead of olText. But no hope. I got the
column but with blank values