Stewart Berman
Access 2007 -- Runtime
We are building an application that will be compiled and then run using MS Access 2007 Runtime.
To limit what the user can do outside of what the application provides we have turned off shortcut
menus in the database. However, we would like to provide the right click menu that is available in
a form opened in datasheet mode which provides:
&Sort A to Z
S&ort Z to AA
C&lear filters
Text &Filters --> sub menu
Does &Not Equal
&Does Not Contain
I assume (bad word) that the above is a standard right click menu for Access 2007. Is there a way
to connect it to a form so that it is available to the user in the RunTime environment for specific
forms even if Allow Full Menus and All Default Shortcut Menus are unchecked?
We are building an application that will be compiled and then run using MS Access 2007 Runtime.
To limit what the user can do outside of what the application provides we have turned off shortcut
menus in the database. However, we would like to provide the right click menu that is available in
a form opened in datasheet mode which provides:
&Sort A to Z
S&ort Z to AA
C&lear filters
Text &Filters --> sub menu
Does &Not Equal
&Does Not Contain
I assume (bad word) that the above is a standard right click menu for Access 2007. Is there a way
to connect it to a form so that it is available to the user in the RunTime environment for specific
forms even if Allow Full Menus and All Default Shortcut Menus are unchecked?