How to activate the cell in same row, column 1?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sam Sieger
  • Start date Start date

Sam Sieger

I want to write a macro that moves the active cell to the same row but
column 1, then does some stuff, and then exits leaving the active cell
in column 1 on the next row.

I have the "stuff" working but the user must select the cell in column 1
before invoking the macro. I would like to remove that requirement. So I
have to activate (or select? or what?) the cell in column 1 no matter
what column I am in now. How do I do that?

if you want to select the cell, you could use this:


if you just need to operate on the cell you could use:

With Cells(Activecell.Row,1)
'your code
End With

but you may need to adjust your code to use this construct. You could post
the code and seek advice.


Sam Sieger wrote:

Thanks very much Tom and Trevor. I knew it had to be simple. But I spent
over an hour with 2 different MS Press Office programming books and
couldn't find how to determine the row and column, although that seems
like a beginner topic. I just looked at the books again and sure enough,
they don't mention the "row" (or column) property.
Hi Sam,

Sounds like you need a review & update area that users
Then in the change area cells allowed by user is different
then the review area as selcted by user then easy code can
be used to add the the new row of info. Use the original
Col 1 val then add Alpha or No in text format to keep in
order. I start at row 10 as my labels for list's

Hope this helps

Ingleside IL, USA