How to activate Java Technology?

  • Thread starter Thread starter abrahamdj
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An aol on line request for help gave me the message "You
will need to activate Java Technology to your browser to
use NetAgent-Java Customer Client. I can't find this
information anywhere at
Perhaps some of Bill Gates 3 billion take off from
profits could be directed to on line help. Really!
Hi Abraham -
You can test whether Java is working on your machine at the following sites: (both 1.0 and 1.1 and what's installed)

and you can test Javascript here:

There is good information concerning all aspects of the Java situation here:

Be aware, however, that after Dec 31, 2007, MS will apparently no longer be
distributing Java or providing any support for Java including security
fixes. See here: so you might want to
start thinking about the future.

You can get the Sun Java J2SE RunTimes or SDK here: (all versions - select using the

Sun also offers an automatic download and install of the 1.4 Java plug-in

For the MS Java VM, you may need to install v.3805 or v.3809 prior to
upgrading to v. 3810 if you didn't previous have MS Java v. 3805 or 3809

If your OS is Win2000 SP2, SP3 but NOT SP4 then you can download and install
the MS Java VM v. 3809 from here:

or here:

For Win2000 SP4, you'll need to re-install v.3805, from here:

For all other OS's:

Download and install the MS Java VM v. 3809 from one of the links here:, or here: or v. 3805 from here:

Then upgrade to v. 3810:

For all OS's except Win2kSP4 obtain v. 3810 here: ,or here:

For Win2k - SP2, SP3 - you can also obtain v. 3810 from Microsoft here:

For Win2kSP4, to get 3810 from Microsoft you now have to get Q816093 from
Windows Update Catalog - use the entry for Windows 2000 SP4 (this seems to
be the only Win2k option that has it) and then find 816093 in the list. You
can find directions for using the Windows Update Catalog functions here:;EN-US;323166. (I am
informed by Torgeir Bakken, MVP, that if you rename the downloaded file from
here: to
msjavwu.exe it will then also work for SP4.)

The following procedure has also been reported to work for Win2kSP4 by Saybo
"I always try to install the 3805 package 1st. Most of the time that

does not work, so I then have them download the 3810 package, open it

in WinZip and extract msjava.dll and vmhelper.dll to the system32

folder. Then run the 3810 install. This has had a 100% success rate

for the last couple of months."

Both Java VM's can co-exist on your machine quite nicely. Just select which
one you want to use in Tools|Internet Options|Advanced and restart all IE
browsers. Here, courtesy of Mitch Gallant, MVP Security, is a tiny utility
which allows you to toggle and view status of your current Java VM vendor
associated with IE:

A note from Mitch Gallant:

"One note about the JVM Selector utility: If/when you install a new version
of Sun J2SE, you need to manually select to have Sun JVM as default JVM for
IE (in install), or after install via the JavaPlugin control panel. This
generates the necessary win32 registry entries, which must be present for
the utility to know about JavaPlugin. After that, the utility should work

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

abrahamdj said:
An aol on line request for help gave me the message "You
will need to activate Java Technology to your browser to
use NetAgent-Java Customer Client. I can't find this
information anywhere at
Perhaps some of Bill Gates 3 billion take off from
profits could be directed to on line help. Really!

Awww, must be so tough for liddle widdle woo to do a searchie to findsie
articles, huh?

- Advanced search
- Search on "java" for Windows XP (a guess since you didn't bother to
mention what OS you use)

Oh, look what got found:

Whew! That was so hard my fingers are just raw. Could it be, no, or
could it, um, maybe, the article titled "INFO: Availability of Current
Build of Microsoft VM" all the way down so far to the 7th item in the
match list. Of course, you could use the JVM from the developer that
defines the standard (i.e., Sun) from Oh,
but excuuuuuse me for answering a question you never asked.

Not so funny getting a smart ass response to a smart ass query, is it,
just because you didn't really expend much effort in a search at their
support site nor bothered to even search first within the newsgroup for
related posts nor do a Google search. Instead you decided to submit a
knee-jerk post.

Don't bitch to Microsoft that their Java VM is missing. Bitch to Sun to
argue your point that they shouldn't have sued - and won - to force
Microsoft to discontinue providing it. If the JVM is missing, well,
contact Sun to express your dismay. Sun started the lawsuit over 6
years ago. Where have you been all that time? Further searching at revealed archived articles mentioning the distribution of
MSJVM, like There used to be the article at but that
page is no longer there. If you visit,
there is a link to a news article stating that Sun and Microsoft signed
an agreement in April where "The companies have agreed that Microsoft
may continue to provide product support for the Microsoft Java
Virtual Machine that customers have deployed in Microsoft's products."
Well, support is not the same as development. See which says, "Microsoft does not
provide a downloadable version of the Microsoft VM for computers that do
not already have the Microsoft VM installed." As it is now, the JVM
will get updated if and only if it is already installed (and it isn't
available in all configurations of Windows but may get installed with
some applications, like Visual Studio 6). If there is no further
development of the MSJVM (to match Sun's) then it is basically a defunct
product that merely exists but does not evolve and which users won't
want for much longer and may be unusable for Java apps that require new
features of fixes only available in the Sun JVM.