How to access system backup files?



i have just restored my computer because i have problem, obviously. However,
my backup system said it will move all files in the drive to "C:\MyBackup"
and install a new OS. After installation, blame for my thoughtless actions, i
didn't delete all passwords for all accounts. That means i can not access to
the account's folder because it's private with password protection. i thought
about copying the backup folder, because ALL files that were in the drive was
moved to there, to my portable external hard drive then boot it to access it,
but i can't even copy those accounts' folders. Please help me how to get the
files in the backup folders. Thank you.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

You'll have to enter the passwords manually. For security
purposes, Windows XP does not backup or restore any

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User
Microsoft Community Newsgroups



| i have just restored my computer because i have problem, obviously. However,
| my backup system said it will move all files in the drive to "C:\MyBackup"
| and install a new OS. After installation, blame for my thoughtless actions, i
| didn't delete all passwords for all accounts. That means i can not access to
| the account's folder because it's private with password protection. i thought
| about copying the backup folder, because ALL files that were in the drive was
| moved to there, to my portable external hard drive then boot it to access it,
| but i can't even copy those accounts' folders. Please help me how to get the
| files in the backup folders. Thank you.

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