how do i programamtically access the values set in the sub menu item
of the Menu Bar in the Explorer window.
Suppose i want to know the values set in the Tools/Options menu lik
the Message Format(whether the user has selected plain/html/rich text)
or the signature he has set, how do i get these values.
i have tried using the commandbarcontrols but im not able to get
through to that level.
Here is what im trying to do
Dim tempBar As Office.CommandBar
Dim tempcontrols As Office.CommandBarControls
Dim tempcontrol As Office.CommandBarControl
Dim i As Integer
Set tempBar = Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.Item("Tools")
Set tempcontrols = tempBar.Controls("Options")
how do i go ahead from her
how do i programamtically access the values set in the sub menu item
of the Menu Bar in the Explorer window.
Suppose i want to know the values set in the Tools/Options menu lik
the Message Format(whether the user has selected plain/html/rich text)
or the signature he has set, how do i get these values.
i have tried using the commandbarcontrols but im not able to get
through to that level.
Here is what im trying to do
Dim tempBar As Office.CommandBar
Dim tempcontrols As Office.CommandBarControls
Dim tempcontrol As Office.CommandBarControl
Dim i As Integer
Set tempBar = Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.Item("Tools")
Set tempcontrols = tempBar.Controls("Options")
how do i go ahead from her