How to access over VBA in Outlook 2003 contacts in other Datafiles?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Oliver Burkhardt
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Oliver Burkhardt


I know how to access via VBA the contacts in the 'Personal Folder'.

But if I open a new Datafile, I don't know to access the contacts there?

Who could help me?
Thx a lot.

Greets, Oli
Thank you very much Michael!

So I wrote this code:
It works, but how do I select the contact folder in the dasistes Folder?

Thanks a lot.

Public Sub test()
Dim toplevelfolder As Object
Dim dasistes As Object
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace

For Each toplevelfolder In Application.Session.Folders
'MsgBox toplevelfolder.Name
If InStr(1, toplevelfolder.Name, "form", vbTextCompare) Then

Set dasistes = toplevelfolder
MsgBox "JETZT"
End If

Next toplevelfolder

MsgBox dasistes.Name

'MsgBox dasistes.Name
End Sub
You need to know the folder's name and its path. For instance:

Path="Persönliche Ordner\Kontakte"
set dasistes=toplevelfolder("Kontakte")

Path="Persönliche Ordner\Kontakte\Familie"
set dasistes=toplevelfolder("Kontakte").Folders("Familie")

Depending on the case, maybe the user can/should select the folder. That's
possible with the Pickfolder function.

Once, you have the folder, and if it's always the same, you could store its
EntryID and StoreID and from then on get the reference via GetFolderFromID

Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Keep your Outlook categories organized!

Am Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:12:42 +0100 schrieb Oliver Burkhardt: