How to access global variable EXPLICITLY

  • Thread starter Thread starter vikram.singh
  • Start date Start date


i have declared one global varibale named VAR1 in form module and
another defined in sub proecdure with the same name (VAR1) in the same
form module . if i use VAR1 then local variable will be
accessed .......but if i wanna use the global variable explicitely in
the same procedure then how can i do that.


Change the name of one of the variables. You should never name a
variable the same as the name of a global variable.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your reply.

I have also done the same thing but just for my knowledge, wanted to
know as in c++ and in java we can access global variable explicitely
so similarly I was hoping that we also can do it here. But i was
unable to find a solution and posted a query for your kind
consideration. So basically wat i wanted to know for my knowledge
that vba doesnt support this or do do we have to do something else
rather than defining with different name.

B' Regards,
Vikram Singh

I am not 100% sure of the answer to your question. But as far as I
know, it is not possible. I suppose that to me, it is a very unusual
question - I can't imagine a scenario where one would want to name a
module scope variable the same as the name of a global variable. So I
have never seen this topic considered.

You have posted to a macros newsgroup, which is really unrelated to VBA
and to the concern you have raised. If you would like to re-post your
question to a code-related newsgroup, for example to
microsoft.public.access.modulesdaovba, you may find someone there with
more experience of this matter.