Thanks Hills,
But Here, I have a textBox Control within a FooterTemplate
column and that is not considered as an Item(its not
figured in list of items). Moreover i have to access this
on a click of a button not on any event associated with
DataGrid itself. Hope this gives you more insight into my
Ok, all the following goes in the html.
function doArtistSearch(pField){
var returnValue="";
"dialogHeight:350px; dialogWidth:380px;
if(returnValue != "" && returnValue !=null){
var data = returnValue.split("~");
That is a function that accepts the name of the textbox. It opens a
search dialog which returns an artist code and name separated by ~.
PS I know I don't need a param but this was once going to be used with
more than one pair of columns. Since it isn't, I hard-coded
txtSearchArtist and forgot to the same with the name field....
I have a hidden column with the artistcode and this is the footer
template for the name.
<input name="btnArtist" type="image" src="images/iconSearch.gif"
<input type="text" name="txtArtist">
Not these are not asp controls. The code I posted earlier demonstrates
how to read these non-asp controls back at the server.
Basically the rest of the grid is normal, the footer row I use as a
new row to allow adding a new record.