How the site displays

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My web site displays on my screen with a nice gap
between the logo and picture that I have in the shared border. My resoltion
settings are 1280x1024. When I see the site on other computers with lower
settings the two items are right next to each other. How do I set up my site
to have that nice 1/2' gap all around? Did I mess something up when I
originally developed it? Thanks, Ralph
You are kidding yourself if you think you can convert pixels of screen
resolution to inches. A pixel is a relative unit.
here's a for instance- you have a 12" monitor and a 19" monitor both set
to the same resoultion. For spits and giggles lets say 1000 x 500, a non
existent resolution but easier units to work with. How many pixels make
up an inch on the smaller monitor? How many on the larger?
Chris, what in the world are you getting at? Did I set up my page wrong,
were the values in the Table Properties incorrectly entered? I don't see
what you're trying to tell me with your examples. I am a novice at the use
of Front Page and have relied heavily on this panel's advice to get my site
to where it is, so please continue with your predecesssors ways, and tell me
what you see that I did wrong. Thanks, Ralph
Ok - never try to answer a user group question with the cat around - if
you get a really dumb looking answer, really - it was the cat.

I am a novice, too, but have you tried setting the size of your cell,
table, or image to an exact size rather than as a percent of the
screen? For example, you may want a cell that is 250 px wide by 250 px
tall, and your image to be placed in that cell might be width=200 px
and height=200 px. Unless I'm mistaken (which is entirely possible!),
this gives you a 25 px pad all the way around your image - regardless
of the monitor.
He is telling you that while 1/2' on a resolution of 1280X1024
corresponds to say 100px on a 19' screen, that will not be the case on
any other size of screen running at the same resolution, and gave you
a case to prove it.
So in other words what you ask can't be done.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage
Hello everyone,

ok I think that I got it. What happened was that I set one of the values in
my table to a percentage rather than a fixed width as the last two answers
suggested. (I made major cahnges to the shared border this am and reloaded
the site). As always the discussion group comes through and has made me
breathe a sigh of relief, now onto the next challenge which no doubt will pop
up in a few days...Thanks to all responders....Ralph