How sub form records Descending Order

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Hi Friends,
I have two tables Customer and Call inquiry .Based on these tables
I have a form and sub form together. Form and Sub Form one to many relation
It is call inquiry database. On my call inquiry table I have fields:
callno, date, reason, and category.
I need to display this call inquiry sub form descending order. It means last
come appear in the top.
How can I do this.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance
Hi, Indu.

Create a query based upon the Call inquiry table. However, if your date
field really is named "Date," then I recommend that you change it to
something more descriptive, such as CallDate, because "Date" is a Reserved
word. Using it as a field name can cause bugs, such as applying today's date
to the record when the call was made on a different date. These types of
bugs are difficult to pin down and are best just avoided in the first place.

For the subform's Record Source Property, try:

FROM [Call inquiry]

.. . . where Call inquiry is the name of the table and CallDate is the Date
data type field to be sorted on with the most recent records at the top of
the form. This query can be either a saved query (preferred) or a SQL
statement typed into the subform's Record Source Property.

If you use a saved query then after saving it, open the form in Design View,
then open the Properties dialog window, select the "Data" tab, and then
select the new query's name in the combo box for the subform's Record Source


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Add the sort in the record source of the sub form

Select callno, date, reason, category From [call inquiry table] Order By
callno Desc
Hi Camaro and Ofer,
Thank you very much. i will try now and let you know.

'69 Camaro said:
Hi, Indu.

Create a query based upon the Call inquiry table. However, if your date
field really is named "Date," then I recommend that you change it to
something more descriptive, such as CallDate, because "Date" is a Reserved
word. Using it as a field name can cause bugs, such as applying today's date
to the record when the call was made on a different date. These types of
bugs are difficult to pin down and are best just avoided in the first place.

For the subform's Record Source Property, try:

FROM [Call inquiry]

. . . where Call inquiry is the name of the table and CallDate is the Date
data type field to be sorted on with the most recent records at the top of
the form. This query can be either a saved query (preferred) or a SQL
statement typed into the subform's Record Source Property.

If you use a saved query then after saving it, open the form in Design View,
then open the Properties dialog window, select the "Data" tab, and then
select the new query's name in the combo box for the subform's Record Source


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(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address so that a message will
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questions answered the quickest are often from those who have a history of
rewarding the contributors who have taken the time to answer questions

Indu said:
Hi Friends,
I have two tables Customer and Call inquiry .Based on these tables
I have a form and sub form together. Form and Sub Form one to many relation
It is call inquiry database. On my call inquiry table I have fields:
callno, date, reason, and category.
I need to display this call inquiry sub form descending order. It means last
come appear in the top.
How can I do this.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance
it is working. Thank you so much you both.

Indu said:
Hi Camaro and Ofer,
Thank you very much. i will try now and let you know.

'69 Camaro said:
Hi, Indu.

Create a query based upon the Call inquiry table. However, if your date
field really is named "Date," then I recommend that you change it to
something more descriptive, such as CallDate, because "Date" is a Reserved
word. Using it as a field name can cause bugs, such as applying today's date
to the record when the call was made on a different date. These types of
bugs are difficult to pin down and are best just avoided in the first place.

For the subform's Record Source Property, try:

FROM [Call inquiry]

. . . where Call inquiry is the name of the table and CallDate is the Date
data type field to be sorted on with the most recent records at the top of
the form. This query can be either a saved query (preferred) or a SQL
statement typed into the subform's Record Source Property.

If you use a saved query then after saving it, open the form in Design View,
then open the Properties dialog window, select the "Data" tab, and then
select the new query's name in the combo box for the subform's Record Source


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(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address so that a message will
be forwarded to me.)
- - -
If my answer has helped you, please sign in and answer yes to the question
"Did this post answer your question?" at the bottom of the message, which
adds your question and the answers to the database of answers. Remember that
questions answered the quickest are often from those who have a history of
rewarding the contributors who have taken the time to answer questions

Indu said:
Hi Friends,
I have two tables Customer and Call inquiry .Based on these tables
I have a form and sub form together. Form and Sub Form one to many relation
It is call inquiry database. On my call inquiry table I have fields:
callno, date, reason, and category.
I need to display this call inquiry sub form descending order. It means last
come appear in the top.
How can I do this.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance
Hi Camaro,
I have renamed my date field to callDate. Thank you so much for your kind
You're very welcome. And thanks for marking our replies as answers. It's
much appreciated. However, this Web site is still rather buggy and the
green check mark next to Ofer's reply is missing. He won't get credit
unless there's a green check mark for his reply, so please try marking it



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Thanks, Gunny
I hope that helped
Good luck

'69 Camaro said:
You're very welcome. And thanks for marking our replies as answers. It's
much appreciated. However, this Web site is still rather buggy and the
green check mark next to Ofer's reply is missing. He won't get credit
unless there's a green check mark for his reply, so please try marking it



See for all your database needs.
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Every green check mark in this newsgroup counts towards that first silver
badge of yours! (Unless you earn a silver badge in Queries first, but it's
harder to get replies marked as answers in that newsgroup. I would expect
Forms to be your first silver.)


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.
I asked Microsoft for this information, but they told me they can't release
that information to the public. So . . . without Microsoft's help, one
would need to use an application like Q-Built's "Campaign" application that
periodically queries Microsoft's database. At last count, the Microsoft
Community standings in the Access newsgroups you post in are:

#1 Ofer 68 Bronze

#1 Sprinks 83 Bronze
#2 Klatuu 72 Bronze
#3 Ofer 56 Bronze

Access General Questions:
#1 Tom Wickerath 74 Bronze
#2 '69 Camaro 69 Bronze
#3 Ofer 48 (Need 2 more for the Bronze)

Forms Coding:
#1 '69 Camaro 52 Bronze
#2 Klatuu 46 (Need 4 more for the Bronze)
#3 Ofer 45 (Need 5 more for the Bronze)

#1 '69 Camaro 53 Bronze
#2 Klatuu 39
#3 Ofer 35

#1 Ofer 32

#1 Ofer 10

And you have about 31 more in the Hebrew newsgroups, but we don't track
those NG's. Of the 82 newsgroups we track, there are only two other people
outside of the Access community who have earned a badge in more than one
newsgroup: Duke Carey and Peo Sjoblom, each with two, because most of these
folks concentrate on answering questions in only a few newsgroups.

Several people have earned a silver badge in newsgroups for other Microsoft
applications, but that's because they concentrate on only one newsgroup.
Duke Carey is the exception, and it appears that we'll have several
Microsoft Community members in the Access newsgroups who will achieve this,
too. Sprinks is the closest to earning a silver badge, but I don't think
he'll be the first to earn the silver in the Access newsgroups, slowpoke
that he is. ;-) (Kevin, if you're reading this, yes, this is a
challenge -- especially after you were the first one to earn a bronze

Obviously, Ofer, you're doing extremely well! You're either #1 or #3 in
every newsgroup you answer questions in. You have the highest number of
questions answered in the Access newsgroups. And you already have two
badges and will soon have two more, and will earn a few more in the near
future, as well as a silver badge, too.

Well done!


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.
Thanks for that.
I just enjoy this group so much, its fun to see so many people helping
others just for the sake of helping.
Its driving my wife crazy, but .... :-)

Thanks again for the info
I have to admit it's a lot of fun to help people, and this forum allows us
to work with many interesting problems we'd rarely (if ever) encounter in
our daily jobs.

Now you can point out to your wife your successes -- and just how many
people you've been able to help who returned to the Web site to recognize
that fact. Your assistance is truly appreciated by a good many people.

Keep up the good work!


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