Neil said:
hi guys,
so, how safe am I if I have Norton firewall and anti virus and do a spybot
check every week?
is it still possible to get a virus or Trojan?
In answer to your question, "yes".
For the umpteenth time...
One cannot rely on any application to keep your system 100% "safe" or
"secure". As Sugien said somewhere in this thread, it is a matter of using
your own common sense.
In order to put it simply, think of your system as your home or workplace
and apply this method of thinking:
1. Firewall = Security gateway.
2. Anti-Virus = In-house surveilance cameras and trip
3. Anti-adware = Sniffer guard dog for deterring hawkers, peddlers and
unwanted sales persons.
4. Regular back-ups saved to removable data storage = Insurance (by this I
do not mean MS's restore point option, which is a waste of time. A DVD
writer and 4.7GB's worth of space is more than adequate to insure your
NB: none of these measures are fool proof and their efficacy is totally
dependent on the competence of your security personnel... in this case
5. Regular housekeeping =
(a) The daily/weekly clean up crew - defragging the HD, cleaning out the
cookie folders, temp folders and defunct short cuts.
(b) The Big Clean - A good spring clean by scrubbing the HD totally and
re-installing only your most necessary applications is worth the time and
effort once or twice a year (or more), in order to clear out any accumulated
vermin, detritus and assorted applications that might have seemed a good
idea to install at the time but promptly forgotten.
6. COMMON SENSE: Ultimately, the best commodity for ensuring peace of mind.
[I deliberately ommitted email scanner, because as far as I'm concerned, it
simply isn't necessary. If mail arrives through my door that is not
addressed to me and is not expected, particularly if there is a parcel
together with it that requires my acceptance authorization, then I dump it
or inform the postman that it is unwanted and return it. I certainly would
never open it. Why would I treat email any differently?]