How retrive data in sqldatasource?

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VB Programmer

I have a sqldatasource on a webform. How do I (in code) retrieve the value
of a particular column in the first row? Do I have to save the
sqldatasource SELECT results into a datatable and look at it that way? Code
samples would help.

If your data is in a SqlDataReader, then (assuming you're happy retrieving
the data as a single rowset using an key value):

While sdr.Read
'Read values from named columns in the data reader.
'Columns match the output cols from the SQL query.
yourIntValue = CInt(sdr("yourIntColumn"))
yourStringValue = CStr(sdr("yourVarcharColumn"))
End While

If your data is in a dataset (which can include all the source rows if you
need to), then:

private sub yourHandler()
dim yourDS as dataset

'... load the dataset...

'Access the row by number and the column by name...
yourIntValue =

'...Or you can use integer positions for both if you want, as demonstrated
for the string version.
yourStringValue =


End Sub

Object indexes are always zero-based in dotnet, so first row is zero (0).

(That's from memory, so syntax might not be exact, but should be close
enough to point you in right direction)

Using ASP.NET 2.0. Is there an easy way to do this with an SQLDataSource
object that is on a webform?
Below code should help you.


DataView dw = (DataView) SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);

foreach (DataColumn dc in dw.Table.Columns)
Response.Write(dc.Caption + ";");

foreach (DataRow dr in dw.Table.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn dc in dw.Table.Columns)
Response.Write(dr[dc.ToString()].ToString() + ";");


Also see the link
