Jigar said:
Currently I have got a question how RAM softwares like RAM
Optimizer which makes RAM free at a given amount of time.. So, how
would they work?? Is there any method of emptying memory on the
machine?? Or can we hook on global memory so that we can free some of
it when system goes below limit...
Ignore all such products - they do nothing useful and in some cases are
Typically such "optimizers" simply allocate a bunch of memory (thus forcing
everything to be paged to disk) and then terminate (thus leaving a large
block of contiguous free memory). The result is that the next program you
run will likely load & run quickly, but if you switch back to another
applicaiton that you were using it will be very sluggish as the OS has to
page-in the entire app (one page at a time).
The fallacy with such "memory defragmenters" is that fragmentation of the
pysical memory space is not relevant to Windows applications due to the
virtual memory model that's being used. There's no requirement (or benefit)
in having contiguous virtual addresses actually lie in contiguous physical
addresses. That is, unless you can also influence the mapping of physical
pages to swapfile space, in which case there might be some advantage to be
gained. These so-called RAM optimizers have no such access.