How pleased am I??

Sep 20, 2005
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As some of you may know I'm a diver. I went along to the diveshow at Birmingham NEC with one of my regular buddies yesterday to pick up a few things. Anyway, I had entered a raffle for the RNLI earlier in the year, where first prize was a torch. Not any torch, but a Salvo 9 Ah NIMH 24 Watt focusable light. All £800 pounds worth. Trust me when I say it's the mutts nutts! Guess what, I only went and won it!!!! My mate wasn't too happy as he's got his excellent torch up on ebay for sale to fund buying one of these babies! But being the great guy that I am, and knowing how much he want's one, we had a chat and he's going to buy it off me. It's nice receiving a bit of good fortune and you can pass a bit of it on, plus he will be lugging my kit everywhere for the next year!
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Nice one Jag!!! I'm guessing it must be similar to an aircraft landing light for £800 :D
... that kit aint light ... pun intended

... plus he will be lugging my kit everywhere for the next year!

Well ... what are you gonna do with £500 :)
muckshifter said:

Well ... what are you gonna do with £500 :)
Well, first of all, putting some aside for our "on the way" baby, and then buying my own babies..


I shall be on the phone at precisely 0800!!!
hahaha ... somehow I didn't think you would be spending anything on any PC stuff ... :thumb:

New baby ... them things are dam expencive to own you know. :D
Good for you Jag

Nice to see someone getting a treat! So, it's roughly £300 to get a mate to lug your gear around for a year .........
muckshifter said:
New baby ... them things are dam expencive to own you know. :D

Yeah - maintenance costs everywhere, and you can't upgrade them if you get bored...or sell them. Not legally anyway ;)

Well done Jag! Congrats on both fronts.

As for the baby, well, so long as you upgrade the software regularly they eventually reach the stage where the hardware takes care of itself. It's when they start to develop an independant artificial intelligence, become convinced that they know everything and set out to make-over the world to their own specifications, that's when you get worried. Particularly as this is about the same time that they finally perfect "stealth mode" evolve interesting, & generally loud, musical preferences & develop extensive & parentally exclusive networks with other, similar units.
Mine turned 13 last friday *shudder* but, as I pointed out, if she reads the fine print in the terms & conditions of the initial purchase agreement it is now my parental perogative, & indeed duty, to publicly embarass her in the presence of such networked units as frequently as possible & to start compiling a comprehensive file of embarassing photos & anecdotes for public display and evaluation on the 16th & 21st aniversarys of the purchase date :D.
cirianz said:
Well done Jag! Congrats on both fronts.

As for the baby, well, so long as you upgrade the software regularly they eventually reach the stage where the hardware takes care of itself. It's when they start to develop an independant artificial intelligence, become convinced that they know everything and set out to make-over the world to their own specifications, that's when you get worried. Particularly as this is about the same time that they finally perfect "stealth mode" evolve interesting, & generally loud, musical preferences & develop extensive & parentally exclusive networks with other, similar units.
Mine turned 13 last friday *shudder* but, as I pointed out, if she reads the fine print in the terms & conditions of the initial purchase agreement it is now my parental perogative, & indeed duty, to publicly embarass her in the presence of such networked units as frequently as possible & to start compiling a comprehensive file of embarassing photos & anecdotes for public display and evaluation on the 16th & 21st aniversarys of the purchase date :D.
LOL!! Thanks.

I already have two kids by a previous marriage, my son is 14 (and don't I know it) and my daughter is 11. A bit nervous about another one after such a gap but I'm hoping that it's a bit like riding a bike!
ukJAG said:
LOL!! Thanks.

I already have two kids by a previous marriage, my son is 14 (and don't I know it) and my daughter is 11. A bit nervous about another one after such a gap but I'm hoping that it's a bit like riding a bike!
Me brother has the same 'problem' with 3 boys ... 14, & the twins @ 16, daughter @ 24 now left home, but lives 150yards away ... and has a new baby with a 1st burpday this month.

Hardest thing he finds is getting a babysitter ... :D

cirianz, we have now copywrite that statement. We'll get the merchandise contracted to Mothercare. :thumb:
ROFL, Thanx mucks, I'll send my lawyers to talk to your lawyers & we can go broke together :)

Jag: Now that sounds scary. My youngest is 7yo but already I find, whenever my sister visits with her horde that I'm not even sure which way up they go anymore. They really ought to come with arrows, & an appropriate user manual written in korean, sanskrit & cyrillic. A pause button wouldn't go astray either. And who was the silly bugga who forgot the volume control? And don't forget to read the box... they come "as is where is" with no warranty included. Me, I got distracted by the pretty piccys & missed that bit. At least mine are both mac compatible... it's getting them off the things that's the problem.
Nice bit of luck there Jag, pleased for ya :)

Me, I'd have kept the torch cos you'll be diving again soon but I suppose you knew the correct decision to make.

cirianz said:
As for the baby, well, so long as you upgrade the software regularly they eventually reach the stage where the hardware takes care of itself. It's when they start to develop an independant artificial intelligence, become convinced that they know everything and set out to make-over the world to their own specifications, that's when you get worried. Particularly as this is about the same time that they finally perfect "stealth mode" evolve interesting, & generally loud, musical preferences & develop extensive & parentally exclusive networks with other, similar units.
Mine turned 13 last friday *shudder* but, as I pointed out, if she reads the fine print in the terms & conditions of the initial purchase agreement it is now my parental perogative, & indeed duty, to publicly embarass her in the presence of such networked units as frequently as possible & to start compiling a comprehensive file of embarassing photos & anecdotes for public display and evaluation on the 16th & 21st aniversarys of the purchase date :D.

LMAO! That, ms cirianz, is very very good, and so true ;)

Three daughters here, twins aged 17 and another aged 18.

Anyone ever see that Harry Enfield sketch where the normal kid mutates into a 'teenager' at midnight on their 13th birthday? Funnee :D
cirianz said:
ROFL, Thanx mucks, I'll send my lawyers to talk to your lawyers & we can go broke together :)

Jag: Now that sounds scary. My youngest is 7yo but already I find, whenever my sister visits with her horde that I'm not even sure which way up they go anymore. They really ought to come with arrows, & an appropriate user manual written in korean, sanskrit & cyrillic. A pause button wouldn't go astray either. And who was the silly bugga who forgot the volume control? And don't forget to read the box... they come "as is where is" with no warranty included. Me, I got distracted by the pretty piccys & missed that bit. At least mine are both mac compatible... it's getting them off the things that's the problem.
No need for lawyers, we won't have any 'profit' left :D ... just be aware that PCReview has first writes to any film contracts. :thumb:

Although we, PCReview, does not condone anything a member posts, and cannot be held liable to that members own thoughts & views, PCReview still retains the copyrights to publish any writings any member may write. Right. :D

muckshifter said:
No need for lawyers, we won't have any 'profit' left :D ... just be aware that PCReview has first writes to any film contracts. :thumb:

Although we, PCReview, does not condone anything a member posts, and cannot be held liable to that members own thoughts & views, PCReview still retains the copyrights to publish any writings any member may write. Right. :D


Hmmmm..... well, so long as you get Hattie Hayridge to play me, I get a chauffer driven series 3 landrover to the opening night & I get full rights to the soundtrack CD then I suppose I can live with that! *handshake* :D
Funny how these 'threads' get confusing ...

... JAG wins a torch, sells it for a couple bottles of gas, is having a baby that hasn't read the contract, but is no different than owning a PC, which leads to film rights to a CD musical ...

... I'm going for a brain scan. :cool:
Be aware though, that, if all my conditions are not met, then I shall throw a total hissy fit, complete with tounge sticking out, name calling & foot stomping!!!! And furthermore I shall embarass myself LOUDLY on nationwide TV by whining all about it, followed by which I shall sue you for the cost of ALL my psychologists bills!!! And since I am the psychologist then believe me I shall be overcharging myself drastically... so there! :p *pouts lower lip for good measure*
muckshifter said:
Funny how these 'threads' get confusing ...

... JAG wins a torch, sells it for a couple bottles of gas, is having a baby that hasn't read the contract, but is no different than owning a PC, which leads to film rights to a CD musical ...

... I'm going for a brain scan. :cool:

ROFL... don't worry, I had one of those once, but all that magnetic imaging... now that can play havoc with the most up-to-date of circuitry!