How pathetic

Apr 19, 2005
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Donations to the Pakistan earthquake:(
BBC news this evening.
Kuwait $100 Million USA $50 Million+aid UK £1 Million+aid

Now to the rest of Europe>>>>>>How pathetic;

EU £750 Thousand Huh.why bother!:o

And we the Brits are in union? makes me wonder why.:confused:
That does seem like a rather small amount from us I must admit :confused: No doubt it will increase over the next few days, as it did with the tsunami disaster.
Does seem a bit on the lean side, don't it?

That was the EU collective contribution though.

Have any other EU countries contributed individually? Germany, for instance, is probably wealthier than we are.
stuartw101 said:
100m from kuwait compared to the 50m from the usa

Kuwait probably has more spare change than the States.

Pakistan is also a lot closer to Kuwait and the two countries have much stronger ties than Pakistan/USA.

And then there's the political/terrorist implications to consider, but I'm not gonna go there.

I think the USA's contribution was a fair one, all things considered. And they're also giving aid, human beings working there, Kuwait isn't.

Sometimes that on site aid saves more lives than a bank load of cash.
fair enough especially with what has happened in the states, didnt they give a few billion to clear up from the hurricanes?
Sorry ... it is all paper, they won't see any 'money' ... :(

It isn't the money that counts ... it is what it is transferred into. Hope they see a benefit.

Ian Cunningham said:
That does seem like a rather small amount from us I must admit :confused: No doubt it will increase over the next few days, as it did with the tsunami disaster.

I meant Europe! being pathetic:( , not Uk I know we will give a lot more.:thumb:
muckshifter said:
Sorry ... it is all paper, they won't see any 'money' ... :(

It isn't the money that counts ... it is what it is transferred into. Hope they see a benefit.


I agree Mucks!:thumb:
floppybootstomp said:
Does seem a bit on the lean side, don't it?

That was the EU collective contribution though.

Have any other EU countries contributed individually? Germany, for instance, is probably wealthier than we are.

Don`t know about the individuall countries was not mentioned.
stuartw101 said:
100m from kuwait compared to the 50m from the usa

USA Is + ?

Six helicopters have now arrived in Pakistan from the US airbase in neighbouring Afghanistan.

The US ambassador to Islamabad, Ryan Crocker, said planes with US relief supplies were forming a "virtual air bridge" into Pakistan.

The country has said it will accept aid from India, but has ruled out a joint rescue operation along their frontier dividing the disputed territory of Kashmir.

Pakistan has asked the United Nations to take the lead in co-ordinating the international response, the body's relief co-ordinator says.

Jan Egeland said hundreds of thousands, if not millions, had been left homeless. "We know that every hour counts in an earthquake of this magnitude," he said.
I just hope and pray that whatever donations are made they actually end up with those in need and not with those who have nothing but greed. :(
Quadophile said:
I just hope and pray that whatever donations are made they actually end up with those in need and not with those who have nothing but greed. :(

Yep! I hope so.
stuartw101 said:
fair enough especially with what has happened in the states, didnt they give a few billion to clear up from the hurricanes?

The few billion is going to add up to 200 billion. We are trying to figure a way to pay for that without breaking the bank and our children's futures.

I do think that 50 million is a fair start considering what we've been through in the last month.
I would guess that that amount will be added to in the future.
We (the US) really should take this opportunity to show the Pakistani people that we are interested in being a "friend" to them, and not let the BS that the terrorist teach the children over there, be what they ultimately think of us.
To waste this opportunity to reach the hearts and minds of those people, and show that we are not the "evil nation" they have been brainwashed into thinking we are, would be sad indeed.
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ladypcer said:
The few billion is going to add up to 200 billion. We are trying to figure a way to pay for that without breaking the bank and our children's futures.

I do think that 50 billion is a fair start considering what we've been through in the last month.
I would guess that that amount will be added to in the future.
We (the US) really should take this opportunity to show the Pakistani people that we are interested in being a "friend" to them, and not let the BS that the terrorist teach the children over there, be what they ultimately think of us.
To waste this opportunity to reach the hearts and minds of those people, and show that we are not the "evil nation" they have been brainwashed into thinking we are, would be sad indeed.

If it were a case of not having the good old USA:thumb: , this world would be a complete disaster.:(

The Yanks excuse the wording, are a very fine upstanding and understanding nation they help other nations more than people realise, the $200 Billion, after all is for their own catastrophe and their own people, they ask for no help but always give if my recollections serve me correct, and I can not recollect the UK having asked for help [with the exception of WW1-WW11] neither have any nation ever offered any to UK-USA. Yes I praise as well as condemn, that is my philosophy, having been born during the last world war I totally remember my first taste of what was then a real treat, it was in 1948 what was it, a bar of chocolate and who gave it to me, yes you have guessed an American soldier and that I will never forget.
Quadophile said:
I just hope and pray that whatever donations are made they actually end up with those in need and not with those who have nothing but greed. :(
Dare I suggest that perhaps not ALL the contributions will result in aid being delivered to the actual disaster areas.

It always amazes me how many compartatively small charities crop up with this sort of thing, and I wonder who actually audits them all. I'm not having a go at the recognised ones, Red Cross, MSF etc, it's the ones you can't remember the names of that I am thinking about.:confused:
CITech said:
Dare I suggest that perhaps not ALL the contributions will result in aid being delivered to the actual disaster areas.

It always amazes me how many compartatively small charities crop up with this sort of thing, and I wonder who actually audits them all. I'm not having a go at the recognised ones, Red Cross, MSF etc, it's the ones you can't remember the names of that I am thinking about.:confused:

Very true!