How outlook Store Appointment

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When we create any appoointment . then how outlook store that appointment.
Means how outlook identify the appointment uniquely.

means outlook assign any ID or any thing else to an appointment

how we can access that ID through programming.

thanks & regards.
K amit
You need to supply some actual information, such as the Outlook version and
what language and development platform you intend to use.

In general, any Outlook item is assigned a GUID referred to as the EntryID
when the item is saved. You use that with NameSpace.GetItemFromID() to
retrieve the item, optionally with the StoreID that uniquely identifies the
store the item is in.

For appointments there is also a unique GlobalAppointmentID for Outlook 2003
and later that can be used, but it's not exposed in the Outlook object model
directly except in Outlook 2007. For an earlier version of Outlook you would
need to use a lower level API to get at that field.