How on earth does her brain even function enough to breathe?

Unfortunately she has the brain capacity of a 6 year old :nod: There are many out there the same.:D
Oh boy I think the US education system has a lot to answer for, surely no one can be that thick.
Before coming to America, I always thought that the origins of Rocket Scientists was America, now I found out having lived here for 6 years that they are all Aliens just like me. As for the blonde, she is smarter than 80% of the population who I happen to come across on a daily basis . At least she was aware of the existence of Europe as a country :lol:
All Americans, are aliens.

If you believe the scientists, we all, apart from Neanderthal [Europeans] who were aslo a different species from us Homo Sapiens, originated from Africa.

It was a long walk I believe.

As for the blonde, she is smarter than 80% of the population who I happen to come across on a daily basis

That is worrying - not sure whether to laugh or cry! Well I guess it explains how George W Bush was elected :lol:
Trouble is that many Americans only see the US as the world which is not surprising as it is such a large country and have no conception of the world and countries outside their borders.especially the less well educated.