How often do you update drivers?


Feb 23, 2002
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A good few years back, I would search and update all the drivers for everything (chipset, graphics, sound etc...) fairly often. However I don't bother doing that at all now, I'll just upgrade the graphics drivers very occasionally if I get a new game.

Do you update them very often, or do you belong to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" group?
I always update my graphics card drivers, and always like to try the latest BETA's too, as some help the newer games.

The rest are only updated if i have a problem usually. :)
I like the idea of updating drivers... but unless I get a specific notification (due to having a problem with something or other) I tend not to. I don't really feel too confident about "messing" with the drivers when things are working okay, so I guess I fall into the latter category :) Also, that little option which allows one to "roll back to a previous driver" doesn't help... it just seems like another way of saying "update me if you want to but..........I just might choose not to work." :lol: Now is that fuzzy logic or what! :D
Some drivers give you the impression of being a Rootkit virus ... "rollback" to a previous driver can prove imposible. :nod:

Any PC "out of the box" needs to be checked for new drivers, especially if that PC is new. Once done, there tends to be no reason for most people to follow up unless there is a "flaw" or "exploit" discovered that will jepodise the security of the system.

Gamers, however, are in a league of there own, especially where graphics, and sound, are concerned. ;)

I regularly check for:

1) Video drivers
2) Creative Sound card drivers
3) Microsoft XP updates
4) Motherboard Bios.

And update accordingly.

Cos it's worth it :)
i only really update software, the only time i've done a driver was my graphics and that was only because it started playing up