Restore points don't count/ back up to removable media!!!
Alf said:

i have never backed up that i know of...
does creating a restore point in Xp count?
Not in my opinion, restore points don't count.
I voted weekly but let me explain what I do and you tell me.
I have a DVD labled 'Progrmas' and every time I download/obtain a new program I like, I add it to the DVD-(which right now has like 30 various programs- e.g. AntiVir,WinAMP,DVD-decrytper......) Its my baby and recently I put them all back on the hard drive, checked them out, replaced them with current versions and so on. The its got a D-Skin(i love these things) and in a jewel case. This might sound foolish, but when a Program crashed or starts messing up, I instantly R/R.
As far as pics go-- they are uploaded to my Yahoo account in my photo albumn as well as on my hard drive(and some cd's but I don't really care about most of them)
Mostly I also got a DVD labled "My documents" which has all my works and receipts and all kinds of billing statements and tax info. Any time I add something new to that folder its gets added to the dvd-
So maybe I'm neurotic- but I know that I can format my hardrive anytime I choose(which I do at LEAST once a year and latley more often)- Which in my opinion is the best way to keep off spyware.
And yes, when one of my cds gets a scratch or has a corrupted file I almost lose it
HAHA --- come to think Of it--- I even back up my cell phone contacts to my computer, for those rare moments when phone is too dead to turn on/broken/lost and I absolutely need a number-- easily done thanks by mobile tools-- exsclusivley for Motorolla phones....