How NOT to format hard-drive

Feb 22, 2006
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It was about ten years ago that due to the high costs of paying computer shops a fee for a service which I knew was relatively simple to perform (being on a low income didnt help), I proceeded to apply commonsense as a solution to my need:
I needed to format a hard-drive on my then 486 computer and install win95 using (I think it was) 22 standard floppy disks.
I dismantled my 300w spekers and used the magnets they contained to perform a low pass format of my 300 meg hard-drive. I made several passes just to make sure.
Now nothing worked. Damn. I managed to obtain a shop that offered me some free advice and how to install win95 to my newly formatted hard-drive which didnt want to boot up anymore into DOS. I walked in with the drive and explained what I did and now what is my next step. The shop broke out in laughter and my face turned a cherry red...

Needless to say, several computers later and many dumb-ass mistakes too embarressed to tell, I have self taught myself to repair any problem that occurs on my computer and my mates as well. The moral of the story? Learn from your mistakes.:)
windows 95...? oh wow.. im new to computers and i know better than that, but its ok, hehe, i made dumber mistakes, way dumber
Reminds me of the time i told a friend to wipe your hard drive and start again....Well he popped round the next day with the drive in his hands asking what he had to do next, so i took the hard drive from him and plugged her in just to make sure he had done what i told him, and there was windows and all his other files still in place.

When i showed him the contents of his drive and asked him how he'd wiped it, he said he'd used a yellow duster and some polish.....:eek:

I couldn't believe it and fell about on the floor laughing my arse off..He couldn't understand why i was *issing myself so much.....:D

That is brilliant :thumb: I bet that happens to someone each day, somewhere!