How Not to Delete certain cookies

  • Thread starter Thread starter J. Lynn
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J. Lynn

Until recently I was able to sign on at my bank’s web site without problem.
I believe that was because the cookies from that site were retained in file
even though I always go through the “delete all” routine in Internet
Options. All of a sudden all that changed even though I made no changes to
my computer and the bank assures me that they made no changes. Now when I
go to sign in, the bank “locks” my computer until I answer user ID questions
which I have set in my profile file at the bank web site. Is there any way
that I can identify the bank’s cookies to be retained even though I delete
all others when I close my computer? I am running Windows XP and Internet
Explorer 7.0.

Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions.

J. Lynn
Hi J,

Add your Banks website to your trusted sites list. Tools>Internet Options -
Security tab, Trusted Sites Zone, Sites button.

Hi rob:

Thanks for the suggestion, you would think that would work, but it does not.
The bank's web site still does not recognize my computer. Any other
thoughts anyone......?

Thanks rob,
J. Lynn
Thanks for all the help, but it appears that I have stumbled upon the
solution. I went to the banks web site and updated the "Flash Player" they
had linked there. Now even after I "delete all" I am able to sign on
without going through the secret question routine.
J. Lynn