Alain191 said:
Thank you, my need is to print one picture, at 1200dpi with a post
script monochrome A4 printer (IBM3116), do I need more than 16Mo ?
Without adta on what "1200dpi" means in actual print data (there is _no_
standard way of specifying this), it's impossible to say just how large
the image file may be.
Is it useful to put in it 32Mo ?
Possibly. Depends onn whether the printer hiccups while printing a large
file - if that botehrs you, put in more RAM (it doesn't bother me.

The printer is actually a small computer. Any computer will run faster
if it has more RAM, up to a surprisngly low limit in the case of the
printer. NB that printing is very slow compared to data transfer, so
that your printer actually receives data much faster than it can print
it, hence RAM to store print data. It is usually useful to have lots of
RAM in a networked printer, so that it can receive (and print) all of a
given print job before accepting the next, but just how useful the extra
RAM may be has more to do with the server software than with the amount
of RAM in the printer.
In your situation, if you have no network, your computer's spooling
capability together with the printer driver will handle the print-data
storage and transfer tasks, so extra RAM will make little if any
difference. You might notice occasional pauses in printing if you are
running several other programs while printing, so if that bothers you,
get more RAM - as much as you can afford.