How much is my PC worth?

Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys i just signed up to this forum, Everyone seems real nice a helpfull so far which you don't get on many other forums.

Anyway i was unable to post in the sale/buy section due to lack of posts so i was just windering if someone would be able to give me a rough estimate on what i could get for my PC.

The specs are.

AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 645 processor 3.10 GHz quadcore
4BG Ram DDR 3
Windows 7 64bit operating system
ATI Radeon HD 5500 Series 1GB
1TB Hard drive.

If there are other things you need to know before you can give an estimate, Please let me know and i will gather the information.
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Hi Dan and welcome to the Forum.

There's a reason we require a certain amount of posts for people to post in the For Sale/Wanted column and that is if we let anybody join and post there we'd quickly get inundated with people posting once just to flog something, which we don't really want to happen.

We operate a Trader rating scheme for regular members which gives some confidence and security when members trade between themselves.

Now, assuming you were going to sell the computer you've mentioned here, it would require the following extra information:

1) Which cooler does the CPU have? Stock?
2) Make and spec of RAM
3) Is the licence transferable with Win 7? If not it's both iillegal and worthless. Disk?
4) What make is the graphics card?
5) Make of hard drive? Presumably it's SATA II?
6) Make and model of case?
7) Make and power of PSU? - this one is very important.
8) Make and model(s) of any optical drive(s)
9) Floppy drive or card reader?
10) Any peripherals included? (Monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers)
11) Is the computer a known brand/model or custom made?

If you'd like to take part in the forum activities we'd welcome you and then when you've made enough posts place your ad with the above information in our For Sale/Wanted section.

Please do not post that information in any other forum section. Thank you :)

Off the top of my head not sure what it's worth but I could work it out once a sale becomes viable and the information requested is available.
I think computers are like cars they're never worth what you think they are worth when it comes to selling them.