How many people it took to make You!!!!!

Apr 13, 2003
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A bit of useless information for you - :D

[font=&quot]1)............1 YOU
2)............2 parents
3)............4 grandparents
4)............8 great grandparents
5)...........16 gg grandparents
6)...........32 ggg grandparents
7)...........64 gggg grandparents
8)..........128 ggggg grandparents
9)..........256 gggggg grandparents
10..........512 ggggggg grandparents
11).......1,024 gggggggg grandparents
12).......2,048 ggggggggg grandparents
13).......4,096 gggggggggg grandparents
14).......8,192 ggggggggggg grandparents
15)......16,184 gggggggggggg grandparents
16)......32,768 ggggggggggggg grandparents
17)......65,536 gggggggggggggg grandparents
18).....131,072 ggggggggggggggg grandparents
19).....262,144 gggggggggggggggg grandparents
20).....524,288 ggggggggggggggggg grandparents
21)...1,048,576 gggggggggggggggggg grandparents
22)...2,097,152 ggggggggggggggggggg grandparents

I really do wonder what some users of this forum are on!
But cguil_uk keep posting them, it made be laugh!:D
Funny you should post this. I have been tracing ancestors for the last 2 weeks and Luckily have gotten back to 1796 via direct blood line...and then to 1790 on my Fathers mothers side.. 4 of my ancestors died in 1889 in the Mossfield Colliery disaster ...

The Bull family

The Father and 3 sons here were my Fathers..Mothers..Mothers..Fathers Brother and Kids ...all very very sad :( . They originated in 1790 back from Alton,Staffs.

Better known for Goblins and Hobbits
Rush said:
Funny you should post this. I have been tracing ancestors for the last 2 weeks and Luckily have gotten back to 1796 via direct blood line...and then to 1790 on my Fathers mothers side.. 4 of my ancestors died in 1889 in the Mossfield Colliery disaster ...

The Bull family

The Father and 3 sons here were my Fathers..Mothers..Mothers..Fathers Brother and Kids ...all very very sad :( . They originated in 1790 back from Alton,Staffs.

Better known for Goblins and Hobbits

Hi Fellow researcher

My Mob came from Lancashire near Wigan.

Molyneux Family

Happy hunting
My Grandma was Scottish, a great lady someone i never argued with, ever!
Very caring & supportive.
I have a crazy surname that is flemish, and apparantly it was a given to my family because we attached the goose feathers to crossbow bolts...
My surname is dumb. In a completely non-offensive way, it sounds very pakistani, and it is confusing and stupid. I want a normal name.