Yep I can back him up on that - I have seen them!Adywebb said:I have currently got 7 desktops and 2 lappys - with another desktop build starting shortly
Taffycat said:Wow Ady, no wonder you are a cruncher to be reckoned with 9 PCs and another 'happy event' on the way
Currently two laptops here - but we're planning to get a desktop soon. Have already been browsing various build-to-order websites, but can't quite decide which one to trust and which spec to go for.... sigh..... decisions, decisions
Abarbarian said:Its said that the PC Review DIY Advisory Service offers excellent advice for problems similar to yours
Taffycat said:I agree absolutely AB and I've been going through lots of previous posts in an attempt to educate myself a wee bit more