How many PC's do you crunch on?


Feb 23, 2002
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I thought it may be interesting to see how many computers we crunch on, as we all know Ady has the Deep Blue super computer on the case ;)

I've got on 2 PCs, although one of them is just a very slow server that I use in the flat to store Photos, MP3's etc.
crunch crunch crunch, crunchies

Just the two ... the Old Girl & this one.

Do my best to keep The JMW PC tickin over. :D

I do have three machines, the third is inactive atm, built to be a multi-media machine but I can't get an image from it on my CRT TV.

So I either need to buy a flat screen TV with a PC input or buy a VGA to composite video converter.

1st option is about £600.00 but looks nice, 2nd option is about £80.00.

But I'm still thinking about it and in truth a little skint atm.

I waffled on a bit there, didn't I? So, in short - two.
Just the one beast at the moment, althought I am trying to get one of my other machines back online!

A few more weeks I reckon ...
floppybootstomp said:
So I either need to buy a flat screen TV with a PC input or buy a VGA to composite video converter.

Does it take PCI or AGP cards? If so you can get really cheap graphics cards with TV out now :)
I use:
1 x HP Proliant ML530 - P3 2 x 833 Mhz/768MB RAM
1 x HP Proliant ML370 - P4 Xeon 4 x 2.40 Ghz/2GB RAM
1 x HP Proliant ML370 - P4 Xeon 2 x 2.80 Ghz/2GB RAM
1 x HP DV4000 Laptop - P4 Centrino 1.73 Ghz/1GB RAM
1 x HP EvoD330 Desktop - P4 Northwood 1.80 Ghz/2GB RAM
1 x HP EvoD330 Desktop - P4 Northwood 2.40 Ghz/2GB RAM
1 x HP EvoD330 Desktop - P4 Northwood 2.80 Ghz/1.5GB RAM
1 x Homebuild Desktop- P4 Northwood 3.75 Ghz/1.5GB RAM (3.4 o/c)

So... 8!
Just the 4800 dual core at the mo. Had a couple more 'part timers' for a bit, but no longer.:)
1, but it's only job is to crunch:D
Laptop is used to surf net on & do work with:thumb:
Ian Cunningham said:
Does it take PCI or AGP cards? If so you can get really cheap graphics cards with TV out now :)

AGP. It doesn't have to be High Spec, there's an XFX Nvidia FX5700LE with 128Mb in there atm.

I tried every converter lead and TV input imaginable to try and get an image but all I got was a frozen image of the desktop. Very frustrating. I would guess it doesn't have TV out, it's not mentioned in the manual.

I have a 9800 Pro spare but I'm not sure it would fit, there's not a lot of room in the case. And I'm not even sure offhand whether that has TV out or not.

Anyways, I'm going off topic here, I may start a new thread about this machine :)
Just the the Thinkpad T23 Lappie gets very hot , so dont crunch with that :(
Rush said:
Just the the Thinkpad T23 Lappie gets very hot , so dont crunch with that :(
Throttle it? ;)
just a 4400 here, did have my old system as well part time but its now in bits
Just my ibook G4 Lappy
& not much from her now that my daughter is pinching the powercord/adapter
need to get a new one (my battery has dropped from 3hrs to 30mins since she started)
but buggered if I can find one now.
They were all over trade me back when i first started looking,
but way out've my price range,
But now... can't, find one for love or money :( :confused: