Hi Jockstar
I'll go first.....
I visit this site every day - I like the mix of the technical and the general chat. I came across this site about 12/13 months ago when I was having problems with a computer supplier that at the time appeard to be heavily recommended for high spec at a good price but that's ancient history now! Anyway, I stayed with PC Review, got my PC elsewhere and then felt a bit overwhelmed with the responsibility of looking after it particularly with my family who immediately wanted to get into MSN and other chat sites. We quickly got into problems because I hadn't a Scooby Do about spyware/adware and thought that my Norton would save us from all perils!
I have joined other sites which I do dip in and out of from time to time but I don't post on them very much at all because (like you Jockstar) I have had some skitty replies to quite genuine posts I have made. Anyway, I do dip in and out of them for information and through accessing the various sites I have more of an idea where to look if things start to go a bit wrong with this PC.
The short answer to your question is: on the PCR site every day unless away and 2-3 others for general browsing and information gathering plus posting on the latter if I feel brave enough and if I am sure I know the answer to someone's question.
Have a nice Sunday - it's beautifully sunny here at the moment and Tesco (big supermarket) beckons!!
Gabriella x