How many forums do you visit?

May 11, 2005
Reaction score
I wanted to do a poll on this but i am not allowed. So instead i'm putting a general question here. So how many forums do you visit often? For me i visit ones called, asiaexpat.intro, and this one. I have registered on other PC forums and made a post. JUst got stupid answers and didnt feel welcome there. So never went back. But i do like this forum. I was made feel welcome right from the start. So i would say that i now visit at least 4 on a semi regular basis. Some i visit more than others. So what about everyone else. Is this the only forum you use or is there others?
Hi Jockstar

I'll go first.....

I visit this site every day - I like the mix of the technical and the general chat. I came across this site about 12/13 months ago when I was having problems with a computer supplier that at the time appeard to be heavily recommended for high spec at a good price but that's ancient history now! Anyway, I stayed with PC Review, got my PC elsewhere and then felt a bit overwhelmed with the responsibility of looking after it particularly with my family who immediately wanted to get into MSN and other chat sites. We quickly got into problems because I hadn't a Scooby Do about spyware/adware and thought that my Norton would save us from all perils!

I have joined other sites which I do dip in and out of from time to time but I don't post on them very much at all because (like you Jockstar) I have had some skitty replies to quite genuine posts I have made. Anyway, I do dip in and out of them for information and through accessing the various sites I have more of an idea where to look if things start to go a bit wrong with this PC.

The short answer to your question is: on the PCR site every day unless away and 2-3 others for general browsing and information gathering plus posting on the latter if I feel brave enough and if I am sure I know the answer to someone's question.

Have a nice Sunday - it's beautifully sunny here at the moment and Tesco (big supermarket) beckons!!

Gabriella x
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Hi Jockstar, you should be able to post polls if you tick the box at the bottom of the new post page - but they can only be in forums other than the "poll" section (as thats the one for the main site).

I visit about 5 forums quite regularly, mostly programming/hosting ones - but I'm also a member of other computing forums which I visit a few times per week.

I'm on PCR most of the time by far though ;)
i have joined one forum and one forum only and that is PCR :)

everyone here is well nice and gives you the right advise on what to buy, what to do when your computer decides to brake lol ect ect cheers people keep it up :) ;)
This one and an American based forum, I've been with both about the same amount of time. I'm a Mod/Admin at BBT as well.

I used to visit Hexus a fair bit, but erm, too many hotheads there, lol.

Also was a regular at Short Media for a while, lots of good peeps there but I had a run-in with some young twerp and it kinda soured it for me, so haven't been back there for months.

So, just here and BBT, really :) I like both places a lot, mostly because of the people at both.
I visit PCR and Cache-Community everyday ... when im in the mood i visit GameDev.Net to see what i can learn from there ... im actually thinkin of going into the game design part of programming even though i cant even make tictactoe yet :o
I visit PC Review few times a day. This was the first ever forum I registered with and never left. :) The other forum I regularly visit is Muckshifters where I am Co-Administrator along with Mucks. There are a couple of more forums to do with PC which I also visit.

Besides PC forums I am a very active member of few forums to do with audio and photography.

About 12 or 13 in all :D
Well... this was the first computer forum I really latched on to.. Apart from here, I loiter with intent a few overclocking websites as PCR is more the fundamentals of having a working computer, instead of pushing every last MHz from gear. Most overclocking websites have nothing (or very little) on the kind of stuff that gets discussed here. Elite, but incomplete :) (the other sites)

So, theres here, DoomedPC, ExtremePrometeia, Guru3d, CustomPC, RHCF. Think thats it.

Umm really only this site and one other US based site, pc-pittstop. I basically visit this site every day because most others are websenced out, and Frankly cause I think you guys all know what your talking about. I like that fact that I rarely see answers that say, no we can't help.
I only visit two forums regularly (daily) - PCR and my own forum at Cache-community.
PCR was the first forum I ever really got into, and had never really bothered with anywhere else before here.
Sure, I have registered with various sites so I could download stuff or access particular information but never felt the need to join in, but here I believe is very special - friendly, informative, social and great fun. :)
Well theres about five i regularly visit...

Tek-Tips Forum.

cd-r info Forum. (the hardware authority).

PCreview Forum.

Mobileburn Forum.

Xbox Forum.
Me too just this one for computors never fail to learn something new every time i visit its amazeing how many posts i read on here about a problem and i say "that happens to me or used to happen with my old computor" i do visit another forum on a regular basis but its nowt to do with technology.
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hmmm pcreview is the only site for me.... must be because i dont have any problems that need fixing :-X but pcreview has my anwsers :D so im gonna stcik with this site and the friendly people. which i met a few people now
Loads ...

Here and my own place are the main sites, but I have a list of 20+ regular sites I visit.

muckshifter said:
Loads ...

Here and my own place are the main sites, but I have a list of 20+ regular sites I visit.


20 eh?

gosh u must have a lot of spare time on your hands!

oh sorry i forget you are an OAP :)