How long is reasonable to wait for customer support?


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I've had some problem with a Ryobi Air Compressor, so I contacted their support (via their website contact form) and got a "received" reply. However, that was 8 days ago and I've not heard anything since.

I've chased them via another method, but this got me thinking... how long would you consider waiting for a reply from customer support (from any company) to be too long? I'm so used to Amazon, et al. replying within 24 hours, so perhaps my expectations are too high ;).

Perhaps I'm just impatient :lol:.
within 24hrs Monday - Friday, I'll let them off the hook for the weekend, but in this day and age there should be 'support' even then. :)

Amazon ain't spoiling anyone, they just do it right!
I would consider anything over 24 hours to be too long. There is no excuse for anything longer in this day and age. Eight days is just ridiculous. :)
Out of order they are. Just done a search for 'Ryobi Customer Support' and their after sales service seems heavily biased towards Home Depot in the USA, most other countries are just advised to 'Contact their Ryobi service centre'.

Contact them every day until you get a response would be my advice.

Or find their service centre and lob a brick through the window.

Uh, nope, actually better not do that last one...
I'm still waiting, even after I chased them and they seemed surprised that I hadn't heard back. I'm going to give them a buzz next week again and make a nuisance of myself ;).