How long have you owned a PC for?


Feb 23, 2002
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We have quite a mix of experience on the forums with PCs, so I was wondering how long we have all had a PC/computer of some form for?

My first one was an 8086 + CGA monitor in about 1994 (very old even then!). Had a spectrum 48K and 128K before that PC, they were great fun :D
1995 Me a Hewlett crapard???:eek:

No No it was a Packard B-hell:rolleyes:
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Probably about 1997 or 1998 - and it was better than the parents PC too! I think it was a 300MHz P2 or something like that...

I owned my first PROPER computer (internet etc) in jan 2003 - an Athlon 2100, 512Mb RAM, TI4800 128Mb AGP8x - hand built by my cousin. i am on my 2nd at the moment, which i built.
this one, built myself with some guidance from the guy at the computer shop but i have to share it as its the only one with internet :(

Edit: forgot to say how long i've had it, 2 years this april
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First 'real' PC was 1986 ... top of the range 286 @ £1,500 inc SVGA 14" monitor ... never paid for it, it was "on demo" for a trial period, but the Co went bust before I could come to any agreement. ;)

Quite advanced even then, it had a 386 daughterboard in it and 4mb ram ... :cool:
Novice 2 Geek in 8 years!

Got given my first PC by someone chucking out a 486 with a massive 80MB HDD in 1998.
In 1999 a new P3 450, with a massive 8MB on-board graphics!

And then to my current one, a stunning PC from Mess PC's (re-branded Mesh)

The 486 got clocked, didn't realise then what happens when a CPU gets cooked!
The PB is now a test PC, works well, currently running with various HDD’s with Win 3.1, 95, 98, 98se, 2k, NT4 & also P2 233 Laptop. So from a novice to a computer geek in 8 years!

May be I should get out a bit more!!!
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Ten years or so ago, not counting the BBC thingie I messed about with before then.

Like Ian, first was an 8086 with CGA Monitor given to me, got me interested, then built a 386.
floppybootstomp said:
Like Ian, first was an 8086 with CGA Monitor given to me, got me interested, then built a 386.

I look back at it, and it was great fun playing with something like that. Upgrading DOS 3.3 to 6.22 was a massive "wow!" factor with that PC, as was upgrading the monitor to EGA after a year. Some of the games for that were quite good too - especially the Kings/Space Quest games!
labatts said:
Just over 2 years..used xp for 6 months then moved on to linux..never looked back :)

Thats quite a jump :D I'm glad to know its going well!

well in the late 80's early 90's my dad was a computer consultant and self employed apple reseller for Apple, and so he gave us a mac of some sort when i was about 6.

Then he ran off with all our money, just after he replaced it with an iMac G3 (the colourful ones) in 1999

Then we realised that with schoolwork needing real sofware, and the fact there were naf all games and internet was incredibly slow, we replaced it with the current HP one.

cost us £1300-ish in 2002/3 with 2.66ghz P4, 512MB ram, 17" TFT, 80gb Hard Drive, AGP 4x GeForce 4 mx4400 or something, and a 3 year warranty.

it needs replacing like a camel without a hump, which is why i joined these forums.
Amiga 500 and the Amstrad PC1512 followed by the 1640. Can't remember the year, early to mid 90's perhaps? I remember the old cga golf game that came with it the 1512 though, it was superb?
Oh wow what a question!

Speccy 48k back in '82 I think it was. Had that for years then stepped up to an Amiga500in the late 80's. From there I went to an Amiga 1200 bought the full wack for it Hard drives, Accelerator the works. Then onto a 386DX in about '93 486 in '94 and things just got bigger and better from then on.

In the 20years or so that things have progressed I really do wish I had a time machine to see what the next 20 has in store for us.
Had an atari 400 back in the early 80's for a couple of years, next it was a mac laptop around 92, a couple of desktops in the late 90's, then a mac G3 ibook for a while until onto my mac G4 ibook a year ago. She's my baby ;)
My first was Sinclair ZX Spectrum in very early 1980/81 followed by desktop much later with a 29mb HD and 16 Mhz processor :D

It's a long list since then and I would be very boring for the reader to go through it;)
ukJAG said:
Amiga 500 and the Amstrad PC1512 followed by the 1640. Can't remember the year, early to mid 90's perhaps? I remember the old cga golf game that came with it the 1512 though, it was superb?


I remember we had Colecovision the first colour console
prehaps 1982

But then it was about Amiga 500 thats wat got me into pc stuff I still dream abt the Amiga500!!! :)
Speccy 128+ complete with Daley Thompsons supertest and The Neverending Story .(play on words Adventure) in about 1985 ?(cost £120)

Had latest system 2 months with all specs from you guys for a budget of £550
The first computer was a "Dragon 32" (Now hands up who remembers those!), in the early '80s followed by the obligatory Spectrum (Second hand), but the first proper computer arrived in 1988 in the form of an Amstrad PC1640, with Colour VGA, and a MASSIVE 30MB Hard Card in the back. :eek:

I recall being told that the Hard Card was more than I could ever need, now look at my storage capacities .... :D

1990 saw the delivery of the first 'speced' system with a 386 dual boot (Tandon DOS 3 and ScoUnix) and a partition 300MB HDD. At that stage I was paying about £1/meg and thought it was a good deal. It's been a rollercoaster ever since.

Last major upgrade (see below) in August 2005. :)
1998 I got my first proper computer, an AMD-K6 266MHz with 128Mb memory. My computer nowadays is more than 10 times faster.

Prior to '98 I had a Spectrum 128k, an Amiga 600, and a Amiga 1200!